Eiyuden Chronicle: Tips for Saving Your Progress

New to JRPGs? Here's how to navigate the saving system in Eiyuden Chronicle.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Tips for Saving Your Progress


  • Learn how to manually save your game at inns or save points.
  • Identify save points by their green glow and inns by the bed icon on the map.
  • Rest at inns to restore health and magic before saving your progress.

When diving into the world of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, it's clear that the game embraces the traditional JRPG elements that made Suikoden a classic. For new players, understanding how to save progress efficiently is key to enjoying the game to its fullest. Let's explore the saving mechanics in this nostalgic adventure.

One standout feature in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is its saving system, reminiscent of classic JRPGs. While the absence of a conventional save option in the main menu might puzzle some, fear not, as there is a way to manually save your game progress.

How to Save in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

In this game, players can only save their progress at inns or designated save points, a common practice in the genre. Although this method may initially feel limiting, save points are strategically scattered throughout dungeons, and inns are conveniently located in every town. Look out for glowing save points and bed icons on the map to easily spot where you can save your game.

It's important to note that saving your game won't restore your party's health and magic. However, if you find yourself at an inn, take a moment to rest to replenish these vital resources before saving your progress.