Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Maximizing Wealth with Baqua

Discover effective strategies to accumulate Baqua, the primary currency in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - Maximizing Wealth with Baqua


  • Unlock Janquis for the Get Rich Inhumanely Quick Support Ability to double Baqua earnings.
  • Obtain the Earning Badge to boost Baqua gained after battles.
  • Utilize Trading Posts to buy and sell items for profit and maintain a steady income of Baqua.

In Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the primary currency that fuels your adventures is Baqua. Baqua holds immense value in acquiring equipment, recruiting allies, and various other essential activities throughout the game.

To thrive in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, mastering the art of accumulating Baqua efficiently is key. While it may require time and effort, employing specific strategies can ensure a steady inflow of this vital currency, empowering you to navigate the game world with financial confidence.

Effective Ways to Accumulate Baqua (Money)

Managing Baqua effectively is paramount in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes due to its ubiquitous nature. Fortunately, several methods can streamline the process of acquiring and maintaining a substantial Baqua reserve.

The first strategy involves unlocking the support character, Janquis, renowned for the Get Rich Inhumanely Quick Support Ability that doubles post-battle Baqua earnings. As you progress through the game and engage in negotiations with Hishahn officials, Janquis will join your allies, enhancing your financial prowess.

Another effective tactic is obtaining the Earning Badge, which boosts Baqua rewards following each battle. This badge synergizes excellently with Janquis' ability, creating a potent combination for maximizing currency acquisition.

Lastly, leveraging Trading Posts proves lucrative for augmenting your Baqua reserves. These establishments scattered across settlements allow you to purchase items for resale at a higher price, generating profits. While mastering this trading mechanic may entail a learning curve, consistent engagement will soon have you adept at turning investments into a steady income stream. By ensuring a reliable Baqua source, you can progress through the game smoothly and efficiently.