EA Sports WRC Glitch Fixed After Leap Day Confusion

A recent hiccup in a popular racing game, EA Sports WRC, left players puzzled due to a Leap Day bug, but a quick fix is now available.
EA Sports WRC Glitch Fixed After Leap Day Confusion


  • Players encountered a glitch in EA Sports WRC on Leap Day, prompting EA to offer a solution.
  • To resolve the issue, players simply need to adjust their console's date from February 29 to March 1.
  • The incident serves as a quirky reminder of the unpredictable nature of game bugs and the need for timely fixes.

Recently, fans of the beloved racing game EA Sports WRC were taken aback when the game suddenly malfunctioned on Leap Day. This unexpected twist led to EA swiftly issuing a statement to guide players on rectifying the glitch and getting back behind the virtual wheel in no time.

The WRC franchise has long been a favorite among rally racing enthusiasts, with developer Codemasters renowned for its expertise in crafting engaging racing experiences. Despite its stellar reputation, even the best can stumble, as demonstrated by the peculiar bug that brought the latest WRC to a halt due to the unique date.

On Leap Day, players were met with a frustrating surprise as EA Sports WRC suddenly ceased to function on gaming consoles. While the extra day in the calendar brought joy to some, it brought a headache to WRC players. Nevertheless, EA wasted no time in sharing a workaround on the EA Help Twitter account to assist affected players.

Resolving the EA Sports WRC Glitch

EA swiftly responded to the community through its EA Help platform, offering a simple fix for the perplexing issue plaguing the game. By manually adjusting the console's date setting from February 29 to March 1, players could restore normal functionality to WRC and resume their virtual races without further interruption. While the exact cause of the Leap Day malfunction remains a mystery, EA Help assured players that investigations were underway.

While gaming history is filled with amusing glitches, the Leap Day mishap with EA Sports WRC stands out as a particularly bizarre occurrence. This incident underscores the unpredictable nature of technical hiccups in games. Despite the lack of a clear explanation for the game-breaking bug triggered by Leap Day, affected players can take solace in the straightforward solution of advancing their console's date by a day to restore gameplay.