Cooking Showdown: Zelda's Open-World vs. Dragon's Dogma 2

Exploring the cooking mechanics in two popular open-world games reveals a stark difference in immersion and player engagement.
Cooking Showdown: Zelda's Open-World vs. Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Discover how the cooking mechanics in Dragon's Dogma 2 and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom impact player experience.
  • Uncover the immersion-breaking cooking scenes in Dragon's Dogma 2 and the immersive culinary journey in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
  • Explore the contrast between live-action cooking sequences and in-game graphical cooking experiences in these open-world games.

The open-world gaming landscape offers diverse experiences, from battling robot dinosaurs in Horizon: Forbidden West to crafting in Minecraft. Despite their differences, Dragon's Dogma 2 and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom share common open-world elements.

Both games highlight emergent gameplay, narrative depth, and a cooking mechanic, yet one game excels in this culinary aspect.

Zelda's Open-World Cooking Triumphs Over Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2's Cooking Fiasco

In Dragon's Dogma 2, controversial features like the Dragonsplague disease and limited fast travel have sparked discussions. The cooking mechanic, however, drew attention for a different reason.

When players cook in Dragon's Dogma 2, they are treated to a live-action cooking scene that, while initially captivating, clashes with the game's graphics, shattering immersion. This disconnect disappoints players expecting seamless gameplay.

Additionally, the realistic meat-cooking process may discomfort non-meat-eaters, further alienating some players from the experience.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Delightful Cooking

In stark contrast, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom delivers a cooking experience that enhances immersion. The game's graphical cooking scenes, accompanied by charming sound effects, create a magical cooking journey.

Players in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom witness ingredients playfully interacting in the pot, culminating in a whimsical dish creation. The delightful sound design elevates the cooking process, making it a rewarding in-game activity.