Exploring the Absence of a Healing Class in Dragon's Dogma 2

Understanding the strategic decision behind the lack of a dedicated healing vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Exploring the Absence of a Healing Class in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Dragon's Dogma 2 features diverse vocations, each with unique strengths, emphasizing varied playstyles.
  • Combat in the game prioritizes damage-dealing strategies, rendering a traditional healing class unnecessary.
  • The support-focused Trickster vocation faces challenges due to unreliable AI partners for damage output.

Within Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2, players can select from 10 distinct vocations, each offering its own set of advantages. While some vocations like Mystic Spearhand and Warfarer shine for their adaptability, all choices have their strengths. Archers and Magick Archers excel at ranged combat, chipping away at foes from afar with an array of skills. Fighters and Warriors thrive in close combat, boasting resilience and high damage potential. Surprisingly, one vocation type is intentionally absent, and it surprisingly benefits the gameplay.

Among the 10 vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, there isn't a dedicated healer class. While certain vocations provide healing and support abilities, none are solely focused on healing. This absence is a deliberate design choice to align with the game's challenging combat dynamics and the lack of true co-op play, making a traditional healer superfluous. Let's delve into why incorporating a healing class wouldn't fit into Dragon's Dogma 2's design and how the game compensates for its omission.

Why a Healing Vocation Isn't a Fit for Dragon's Dogma 2

Combat in Dragon's Dogma 2 Prioritizes Offense Over Defense

The combat system in Dragon's Dogma 2 is unforgiving, demanding players to excel in offense to survive. Success in battles hinges on overpowering enemies swiftly, leaving little room for a pure healer role. Instead, players can access healing spells through the Mage and Sorcerer vocations, along with a range of curative items for self or party use.

The Challenge of Supportive Gameplay with the Trickster Vocation

The Trickster vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 specializes in support abilities, using illusions and trickery to outmaneuver foes. However, relying on AI-controlled Pawns for damage output introduces uncertainties, making the Trickster's role risky. Similarly, a dedicated healing class would heavily lean on Pawns for damage, a precarious setup in the game's dynamic world. In a multiplayer setting, a healing class might find more relevance with human-controlled allies, but in Dragon's Dogma 2's solo experience, alternative strategies prevail.

Dragon's Dogma 2 offers a comprehensive range of vocation types, omitting a healing class intentionally. Players can leverage the supportive abilities of Mage and Sorcerer Pawns to sustain their party, demonstrating that a dedicated healer isn't a necessity within the game's strategic framework.