How Dragon's Dogma 2's Innovative Pawn System Stands Out

Exploring the unique pawn system of Dragon's Dogma 2 and its comparison to WB's Nemesis system.
How Dragon's Dogma 2's Innovative Pawn System Stands Out


  • Dragon's Dogma 2 introduces a customizable party experience through its pawn system.
  • Similar to WB's Nemesis system, players can engage in personalized interactions with NPCs.
  • Warner Bros. patented the Nemesis system, but its future integration remains uncertain.

Years after its predecessor, Dragon's Dogma 2 has finally debuted, captivating players with its immersive world. Among its many features, the standout innovation is the pawn system, allowing players to construct and personalize their party by selecting from a range of NPCs called pawns to accompany them on their adventures. These pawns, crafted by fellow players, ensure a unique experience for everyone, drawing parallels to Warner Bros.' renowned Nemesis system.

In 2014, Shadow of Mordor revolutionized gaming with its Nemesis system. Despite its initial resemblance to other open-world action games, the title by Monolith Productions stood out due to this system. It enabled NPC enemies to break away from routines, forming rivalries with players and other foes, evolving distinct personalities, and delivering a personalized gameplay encounter. The system's success led Warner Bros. to patent it a few years later, following its expansion in the sequel, Shadow of War.

Unleashing the Potential of Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawn System

While not without flaws, Dragon's Dogma 2 excels, notably through its pawn system. Players can assemble a party of up to three allies, comprising their character, a customizable main pawn accompanying them throughout, and two recruitable NPC pawns for interchange. The player and main pawn can freely switch classes, and enlisting pawns of specific classes enhances this flexibility.

Online players will encounter recruitable pawns created by others, often with simple quests that unlock rewards upon completion. This system fosters experimentation, offering customization freedom, with swift pawn replacements enhancing flexibility. Each pawn boasts unique traits, making them memorable and occasionally missed upon replacement.

The Uncertain Fate of WB's Nemesis System

Warner Bros. secured a patent for the Nemesis System in early 2021 after years of attempts. Despite this, over three years later, the system's reappearance and potential projects remain undisclosed. Titles like Gotham Knights, Hogwarts Legacy, and Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League have been released post-patent without featuring the Nemesis System. Its future remains ambiguous, leaving many hopeful for its return in some capacity. While franchises like Assassin's Creed have tried their iteration, none have matched the acclaim of the original system so far.