Capcom Introduces Game-Changing Patch for Dragon's Dogma 2

A comprehensive update for Dragon's Dogma 2 by Capcom significantly alters the game's most debated element.
Capcom Introduces Game-Changing Patch for Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Dragon's Dogma 2 Title Update revamps dragonsplague, reducing infection occurrences & enhancing symptom visibility.
  • Dragonsplague, a contentious addition to Dragon's Dogma 2, is now less likely to corrupt saves entirely.
  • The patch not only addresses dragonsplague but also fine-tunes Pawns' actions.

Capcom has rolled out a substantial Title Update for Dragon's Dogma 2, focusing on toning down the controversial dragonsplague mechanic and implementing various other modifications. Since its launch in late March, Dragon's Dogma 2 has received multiple updates from Capcom to rectify bugs and refine gameplay aspects.

Dragonsplague, a feature in Dragon's Dogma 2, has sparked intense debate among players. Initially, the severity of dragonsplague in the game took many by surprise. This concealed affliction affects Pawns, evolving them into dragons if left unchecked. Once transformed, the infected Pawn unleashes chaos in the game world, resulting in the demise of nearby NPCs. Despite its intriguing concept, dragonsplague often went unnoticed, leading to severe consequences such as essential NPCs' deaths and potential save file corruption, prompting numerous player grievances.

The latest patch details were shared on the official Dragon's Dogma 2 website, with the primary focus being the adjustments to dragonsplague. The frequency of infection among Pawns has been decreased, and symptoms of the infected are now more conspicuous. Notably, the glowing eyes of infected Pawns are now more prominent, facilitating the identification of dragonsplague symptoms in Dragon's Dogma 2. Beyond dragonsplague, the patch addresses other issues like a bug that trapped players during monster encounters in towns and various enhancements to Pawns' behavior and interactions.

The alterations to dragonsplague are expected to be well-received by the gaming community. While Dragon's Dogma 2 enthusiasts had attempted to address dragonsplague concerns independently, these modifications were limited to the PC version. With the comprehensive update now available across all platforms, players can embrace dragonsplague as an engaging game element rather than a catastrophic save-ruining event.

Despite Capcom's consistent updates to fine-tune Dragon's Dogma 2 and address glitches, the future content plans for the game remain undisclosed. Following the game's launch in March, Capcom hinted at potential Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC through a survey, hinting at forthcoming developments for the title. The specifics of these plans are yet to be unveiled.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragonsplague Nerf Title Update Patch Notes

[PlayStation®5 / Xbox Series X|S / Steam]

Reducing the frequency of dragonsplague infections and enhancing the visibility of symptoms in infected Pawns.

  • Notable improvements include enhanced visibility of glowing eyes in infected Pawns.

Introducing the option to zoom in on the faces of the Arisen and Pawns within the status screen, shops, and more.

Resolving issues and implementing adjustments related to the mini-map.

  • Acquired treasure chests will no longer appear on the mini-map.

Refinements to Pawns' behavior and dialogues.

  • Addressing issues where Pawns occasionally couldn't execute high fives.
  • Rectifying situations where Pawns failed to initiate guidance after offering it.
  • Decreasing the likelihood of Pawns falling off cliffs.
  • Reducing the frequency of certain Pawn dialogues.
  • Enhancing Pawn dialogues to align better with circumstances.
  • Fixing instances where Pawns ceased speaking outside combat.
  • Correcting scenarios where the Main Pawn echoed support Pawn dialogues.
  • Improving Pawns' responsiveness to aiding the Arisen upon command when held by enemies.
  • Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering their services while in the field.

Resolving issues where escort quests erroneously failed during Character Edit access or other specific scenarios.

Fixing situations where players could be trapped when battling monsters in town.

Rectifying crashes and freezes under particular circumstances.

Various bug fixes have also been implemented.