Revolutionizing Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 with a Game-Changing Mod

Experience unrestricted fast travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 thanks to a new mod that transforms the game's travel mechanics into a seamless universal feature.
Revolutionizing Fast Travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 with a Game-Changing Mod


  • Unlock fast travel without restrictions in Dragon's Dogma 2 through a newly developed mod, enabling instant access to various in-game locations.
  • Director Itsuno's insights on gameplay limitations shed light on the importance of engaging game design, emphasizing that travel only feels tedious if the gameplay lacks depth.
  • The modding community continues to enhance players' experiences in Dragon's Dogma 2 by offering solutions to existing constraints, including framerate issues and gameplay restrictions.

Dragon's Dogma 2 introduces a game-altering mod that liberates players from the shackles of fast travel restrictions. The expansive world of Dragon's Dogma 2 demands that the Arisen and their Pawns navigate vast distances on foot due to the game's inherent limitations on fast travel. However, this innovative mod revolutionizes fast travel into a universally accessible feature.

Prior to the launch of Dragon's Dogma 2, director Hideaki Itsuno shared his perspective on open-world dynamics and the constrictions of fast travel. Itsuno emphasized that travel becomes monotonous only if the gameplay fails to captivate. These insights from the director, alongside discussions about the anticipated constraints on fast travel within Dragon's Dogma 2, fueled skepticism among players.

Among those dissatisfied with the restrictive nature of fast travel in Dragon's Dogma 2 is the modder rthomasv3, who took matters into their own hands by developing a mod that eliminates all limitations. With this mod, players can effortlessly journey to diverse points of interest within the game, including bustling cities, monster-infested dungeons like those housing Sphinx and Medusa, and even the hidden locations of all 240 Seeker Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2. Gone are the requirements for Portcrystals and Ferrystones with the introduction of this mod.

Modding Community Enhances Dragon's Dogma 2 Gameplay

The modding community has a history of enhancing player experiences by circumventing certain game restrictions. Various mods for Dragon's Dogma 2 have altered fundamental game mechanics, offering features such as boundless stamina for the Arisen and eliminating vocation change prerequisites.

Some mods have become so integral that they are deemed essential additions to the base game. Following the release of Dragon's Dogma 2, the game faced backlash concerning issues like framerate fluctuations, microtransactions, and save systems. While Capcom pledged updates to rectify these concerns, only a patch facilitating new save creation has been released, leaving framerate issues unaddressed in Dragon's Dogma 2.

To combat this, a modder devised a solution to reduce Dragon's Dogma 2's CPU usage, marginally enhancing the game's overall framerate. This serves as a temporary fix until Capcom issues a comprehensive update. Given Capcom's intentions to launch DLCs for Dragon's Dogma 2, ongoing support and updates for the game are expected in the foreseeable future.