Mastering Wealth and Item Duplication in Dragon's Dogma 2

Exploring a surprising gold mine within Dragon's Dogma 2 to amass endless riches and duplicate valuable items.
Mastering Wealth and Item Duplication in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Utilize a clever strategy to generate infinite money and duplicate items in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Engage with the Pawn Quest system to exploit a lucrative loophole for accumulating wealth and rare items.
  • Understand the mechanics behind this method to effectively accumulate resources and enhance gameplay.

Financial constraints often plague adventurers in the realm of Dragon's Dogma 2, particularly when in dire need of provisions or enhancements for their character and companion. While gold may be scarce, resourceful players have uncovered various avenues to amass substantial wealth, whether through legitimate endeavors or more questionable tactics.

An intriguing discovery by crafty players has unveiled a method to essentially create boundless riches while also facilitating item duplication, including coveted assets like Ferrystones and upgrade materials in Dragon's Dogma 2. However, this technique comes with a significant caveat, making it a viable option for only a select few.

Unveiling the Strategy for Unlimited Wealth and Item Replication

This strategy revolves around exploiting the novel Pawn Quest system, accessible to every player connected to the game's online servers. While PC users can engage freely, console players on PlayStation or Xbox require active subscriptions to their respective online services.

To swiftly amass wealth and items, players simply need to recruit pawns offering quests with desired rewards. Here's a comprehensive guide detailing the necessary steps:

The initial four steps are straightforward - complete quests to earn rewards. However, the twist lies in these rewards being sourced from other players' coffers, leading to the pivotal Step 5. Additionally, setting up basic Pawn Quests within Dragon's Dogma 2 can encourage other players to reciprocate. Here's how:

This method can be likened to a pyramid scheme, relying on the ability to employ two pawns simultaneously to yield a 100% return upon quest completion. While opting out of setting personal Pawn Quests is possible, long-term success hinges on active participation unless accompanied by two dedicated friends. When pursuing gold, selecting pawns offering rewards equivalent to those set in personal quests is vital to avoid losses.

In terms of items, the process doesn't entail duplicating them but rather obtaining additional copies from alternate realms. For instance, seeking a duplicate Gryphic Victory greatsword for a pawn necessitates another player setting a quest featuring the same weapon as a reward. While the donor forfeits their item, the recipient gains an extra copy in return.