Mastering Lesser Dragons & Drakes in Dragon's Dogma 2

Confronting the challenge of dragons in Dragon's Dogma 2 requires skill and strategy. Here's how you can prevail.
Mastering Lesser Dragons & Drakes in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Understanding the Differences Between Drakes and Lesser Dragons
  • Effective Strategies for Defeating Drakes and Lesser Dragons
  • Finding and Engaging Dragons in Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragons play a significant role in Dragon's Dogma 2. The Arisen must hunt down and defeat the dragon bonded to them to protect the world. Apart from the main dragon threat, players will encounter Lesser Dragons and Drakes throughout Battahl and Vermund kingdoms. These creatures offer valuable Wyrmslife Crystals and a chance to level up through XP rewards.

Crucial Tactics for Overcoming Drakes & Lesser Dragons

Drakes and Lesser Dragons are formidable foes in Dragon's Dogma 2. Knowing the distinction between them is vital for devising a successful battle strategy.

Distinguishing Between Lesser Dragons and Drakes in DD2

Drakes, though considered weaker, can still be lethal if not approached cautiously. Their vulnerability lies in ice magic and attacking their exposed hearts. Drakes unleash powerful magical assaults, necessitating constant movement during combat.

On the other hand, Lesser Dragons rely on traditional dragon attacks like claws and fire breath. Players should target the glowing purple cysts on their bodies, as these are key weak points.

Strategies for Conquering Drakes & Lesser Dragons in DD2

Prior to facing Drakes or Lesser Dragons, players must consider their vocation and team composition. Opt for classes emphasizing ranged or magical attacks for a safer approach. Constant mobility is crucial, especially against Drakes' elemental magic. A well-rounded Pawn team covering offense and support is essential. Focus attacks on weak points like the heart or cysts for maximum impact.

Unveiling Dragon Locations in Dragon's Dogma 2

Although dragons are elusive in Dragon's Dogma 2, players can track them down in specific areas for epic battles.

Known Locations of Lesser Dragons & Drakes