Discovering the Walking Connection Between Dragon's Dogma 2 and Death Stranding

Exploring the striking resemblance in walking-heavy gameplay mechanics between these two seemingly different game titles.
Discovering the Walking Connection Between Dragon's Dogma 2 and Death Stranding


  • Dragon's Dogma 2 requires players to walk extensively like Death Stranding, a feature criticized in both games.
  • Players must spend time walking and searching for objectives in Dragon's Dogma 2 without the aid of mounts for faster travel.
  • Unique experiences are delivered in Dragon's Dogma 2 and Death Stranding through their walking-centric gameplay, catering to a specific audience.

Dragon's Dogma 2 immerses players in a vast fantasy realm brimming with exploration opportunities, yet a notable absence stands out. While encompassing traditional RPG elements and introducing innovative features, the game notably lacks mounts, compelling players to traverse on foot extensively, reminiscent of Death Stranding.

Debuting in 2019, Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding generated significant anticipation as Kojima Productions' independent venture post-Konami. Despite the pre-release hype generated by trailers, some players were taken aback by its unconventional gameplay. Criticized as a mere 'walking simulator,' the resemblance to Dragon's Dogma 2 becomes apparent.

Drawing Parallels: Dragon's Dogma 2 and Death Stranding

Labeling Death Stranding as a Walking Simulator

Termed a 'strand-type game' by Kojima, Death Stranding combined a captivating narrative with innovative mechanics, boasting a stellar cast including Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen. However, players yearned for a more diversified core gameplay experience.

Common feedback on Death Stranding criticized its gameplay as primarily revolving around walking. Tasks involved fetching orders from one point, trekking lengthy distances, and repeating the process, with limited vehicle access until later stages. The repetitive traversal across familiar terrains failed to engage players significantly.

Emulating the Walking Trend: Dragon's Dogma 2

While Dragon's Dogma 2 upholds the franchise's esteemed legacy, it obliges players to predominantly walk throughout their quests. Retracing steps in familiar areas and often searching aimlessly for objectives characterize the gameplay, exacerbated by the absence of mounts to expedite travel.

Aside from an Oxcart, players lack efficient travel options, relying on a sparse fast travel system necessitating costly Ferrystones or real-money purchases for convenience. Despite the Pawn system and online features reminiscent of Death Stranding, the shared emphasis on extensive walking defines both games. Although compensating with richly detailed worlds, Dragon's Dogma 2 may not satisfy players seeking a more dynamic pace.