Unveiling the Potential of The Dragonforged in Dragon's Dogma 2

Exploring the significance of The Dragonforged as a key NPC and the potential for player interaction in Dragon's Dogma 2 sequel.
Unveiling the Potential of The Dragonforged in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • The Dragonforged enriches gameplay with unique items and valuable insights crucial for endgame success in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • As a former Arisen, The Dragonforged shares traits with the NPC from the first game and offers strategic guidance against the Dragon.
  • Considered as a possible link to the player's original character, The Dragonforged's inclusion could have added a nostalgic touch to the sequel.

Amidst the vast open world of Dragon's Dogma 2 lies a variety of non-playable characters (NPCs) offering quests, goods, and companionship to players. One such NPC, known as The Dragonforged, holds a special place in the game due to his unique abilities and the potential for deeper player engagement.

The Dragonforged stands out in Dragon's Dogma 2, enhancing weapons, selling rare items like the formidable Unmaking Arrow, and equipping players for the challenges ahead with top-tier gear. But beyond his utility, The Dragonforged could have served as a bridge between the players' past and present experiences in the Dragon's Dogma universe.

The Dragonforged: A Key Figure in Dragon's Dogma 2

Unraveling The Dragonforged's Origins

Originating as a former Arisen, The Dragonforged's role in Dragon's Dogma 2 mirrors that of his predecessor from the initial game. Sharing insights on battling the Dragon and aiding players with valuable resources, The Dragonforged's past as an Arisen shapes his significance in the sequel.

Echoing the enigmatic nature of his predecessor, Dragon's Dogma 2's Dragonforged discloses his loss of will during his encounter with the Dragon, a turning point that distinguished him from being an Arisen. This unique perspective enriches the gameplay experience by offering players crucial information and support in their journey.

Player Interaction Possibilities with The Dragonforged

Speculations arise on the potential integration of players' original characters into Dragon's Dogma 2 through The Dragonforged. Imagining a scenario where the player's character from the previous installment assumes the role of The Dragonforged adds a nostalgic layer to the sequel, hinting at a deeper connection between the player and the game world.

While the direct link between The Dragonforged and the player's character remains unexplored in Dragon's Dogma 2, the NPC's allure and valuable contributions to the gameplay stand out. The prospect of revisiting past characters in future sequels sparks curiosity among fans, leaving room for potential surprises in the evolving Dragon's Dogma series.