Mastering the Warrior in Dragon's Dogma 2: Skills, Augments, and Gear

A comprehensive guide to excelling as a Warrior in the realm of Dragon's Dogma 2, featuring top skills, augment combinations, and recommended gear.
Mastering the Warrior in Dragon's Dogma 2: Skills, Augments, and Gear


  • Unleash devastating attacks with the Warrior's greatsword for maximum impact.
  • Dominate foes by mastering essential skills, augments, and gear.
  • Discover the optimal strategies to play and customize your Warrior effectively.

The Warrior class in Dragon's Dogma 2 is a powerhouse, known for its slow yet destructive combat style that crushes enemies effortlessly. Armed with colossal greatswords, Warriors excel in dealing heavy damage and controlling the battlefield.

With a fresh set of abilities in Dragon's Dogma 2, Warrior enthusiasts will find exciting new dynamics to explore. This guide delves into the fundamentals of mastering the Warrior Vocation, highlighting the best skills, augments, and gear choices.

Perfecting Your Warrior Gameplay

As a Warrior, your primary focus is on incapacitating foes and capitalizing on their vulnerable state. The class offers a blend of staggering attacks and high-damage strikes, making it ideal for toppling and pummeling adversaries. Warriors shine when facing colossal creatures in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Utilize the Warrior's enhanced stagger and damage resistance during charged attacks or when employing Barge, a unique ability that cancels animations and disrupts enemy actions. Embrace the hyperarmor mechanic to trade blows fearlessly, confronting threats head-on and relentlessly pushing for victory.

Top Skills and Augments Selection

While all Warrior skills have merit, some stand out for their effectiveness. Consider the following skill recommendations for optimal performance:

  • Skyward/Heavensward Slash: A versatile skill with quick charge time, high damage, staggering potential, and the ability to nullify incoming attacks when paired with Repulse. Knoll Breaker offers similar benefits with lower stamina consumption and faster activation.
  • Savage/Indomitable Slash: Ideal for exploiting enemy weaknesses, especially against downed foes. Transition to Arc of Might later for enhanced damage. Mastering Breakneck Strike enables more potent charged attacks.
  • Tidal Fury and Inspirit: Essential defensive skills for blocking damage and curing debuffs. Adapt your pawn's skills based on their frontline or damage-oriented role.

Customize pawn skills in Dragon's Dogma 2 to complement your playstyle. Frontline Warrior pawns excel in drawing aggro and toppling key targets. Optimize their skills to avoid inefficient AI behavior and maximize combat effectiveness.

Optimal Augmentations for Warriors

Augments play a crucial role in enhancing your Warrior's capabilities, focusing on knockdowns, damage mitigation, and overall performance. Consider maximizing the Thief class for Verve augmentation, or explore alternatives like Provocation from Fighters or Lethality from Archers.

Gear Recommendations for Warriors

Equipping optimal gear boosts your Warrior's effectiveness in combat. Prioritize gear with superior stats to enhance your performance. Even basic equipment obtained upon Vocation change can carry you through early stages. Consider acquiring the following gear early in your adventure: