Mastering the Archer Class in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover the top strategies, skills, and gear for excelling as an Archer in this thrilling RPG sequel.
Mastering the Archer Class in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Learn how to effectively play as the Archer class
  • Explore the best weapon skills and core skills for Archers
  • Find out the recommended gear and augments to boost your Archer's performance

Dragon’s Dogma 2 presents a fresh combat experience by introducing new Vocations like the Archer. Departing from the versatile Strider, the Archer focuses solely on ranged attacks, offering a safe yet potent combat style.

Perfect for novices, the Archer excels in dealing significant physical damage from a distance, ideal for pinpointing and exploiting enemy vulnerabilities. This guide delves into crafting the optimal early-game Archer build for maximizing damage output.

Mastering the Archer Playstyle

As a bow-and-arrow specialist, the Archer shines at targeting aerial foes and maintaining a safe distance while dealing devastating damage. With skills enabling rapid arrow fire and diverse arrow types, such as explosive arrows, Archers can effectively control enemy groups, supporting their party in battles.

Top Weapon Skills for Archers

Archers boast a range of skills, from barrage attacks to explosive setups, providing adaptability across different combat scenarios. Discover the key weapon skills that enhance an Archer's prowess.

Vital Core Skills for Archers

Core skills for Archers emphasize damage output and agile evasion. Essential early-game core skills include Steady Shot for precise targeting, Leaping Punt and Parting Shot for swift defense, Swift Nock for quicker arrow reloading, and Puncture Dart for increased damage infliction.

Optimal Augments for Archers

Augments for Archers primarily enhance offensive capabilities, amplifying their attack strength. Consider equipping Augments like Verve from the Thief Vocation to boost your Archer's Strength attribute. Explore the recommended early-game Augments to empower your Archer further.

Recommended Gear for Archers

While prioritizing high-stat equipment is key, early-game budget constraints may limit options. Uncover essential gear recommendations to kickstart your Archer's journey and enhance performance without breaking the bank.