Dragon's Dogma 2 Player Crafts Sonic-Inspired Pawn

Exploring the creative possibilities in Dragon's Dogma 2 through a unique Sonic-themed Pawn creation.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Player Crafts Sonic-Inspired Pawn


  • Players in Dragon's Dogma 2 are showcasing creativity with unique character creations like a Sonic-inspired Pawn.
  • The character customization system in the game allows for intricate modifications, offering a wide range of options from hairstyles to body types.
  • Some players are utilizing mods to address Dragonsplague, a contentious Pawn affliction that can impede game progression.

In the world of Dragon's Dogma 2, players are pushing the boundaries of creativity by designing Pawns that mirror iconic characters like Sonic the Hedgehog. The character customization feature in Dragon's Dogma 2 has garnered praise for its versatility, empowering players to unleash their imagination and bring to life unconventional avatars.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an immersive single-player action RPG set in an open-world environment. While navigating this realm, players are accompanied by Pawns, AI-controlled companions who aid in battles and provide guidance. These Pawns are entirely customizable through the robust character creation tool in Dragon's Dogma 2, allowing for meticulous adjustments ranging from hair styles to skin tones and body proportions. This level of freedom has inspired fans to create remarkable and unexpected characters.

A Reddit user shared their encounter with a unique Pawn resembling Sonic while traversing the Rift in Dragon's Dogma 2. Although not an exact replica of the beloved hedgehog, this Pawn demonstrated remarkable competence, showcasing the boundless potential of the game's character customization system. Adorned with blue skin, spiky hair, and a mask reminiscent of Sonic's visage, the Pawn drew attention for its distinctive appearance. Commenters speculated that the creator might enhance the similarity by utilizing the game's dye system to further align the Pawn with Sonic's iconic look.

Unveiling a Sonic-Inspired Creation in Dragon's Dogma 2

This isn't the first instance of players fashioning Pawns after characters from diverse franchises. From Pikachu to John Wick and even the protagonist of God of War, Kratos, fans have witnessed a myriad of imaginative creations within Dragon's Dogma 2. The Pawn system serves as the core mechanic of this action RPG, distinguishing it from other titles in the genre. By fostering extensive character customization, Capcom has facilitated organic promotion of the game through player-generated content.

While Pawns often steal the spotlight in Dragon's Dogma 2, not all attention is positive. Following the game's launch and the introduction of Pawn sharing, a phenomenon known as Dragonsplague emerged, stirring controversy among players. Dragonsplague is a unique Pawn affliction in Dragon's Dogma 2 that can impede progress significantly. Despite potential remedies to reverse its effects, the process is laborious and time-intensive.

To combat Dragonsplague, a modder devised a solution in the form of a Dragon's Dogma 2 mod. The mod features a timer that indicates the progression of the infection in a Pawn, enabling players to preemptively address the situation and prevent catastrophic consequences. However, console players remain at a disadvantage as mods are exclusive to the PC platform, adding an element of uncertainty to their gameplay experience.