Preview of Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch Details for April Update

Get a sneak peek at Capcom's plans to address player concerns and improve Dragon's Dogma 2 in the upcoming April patch.
Preview of Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch Details for April Update


  • Capcom is set to tackle dialogue, AI behavior, and Dragonsplague issues in Dragon's Dogma 2 with an imminent April patch.
  • Despite strong sales, technical glitches plague Dragon's Dogma 2, prompting mixed reactions from players eagerly awaiting fixes.
  • Anticipation and frustration rise among fans as the upcoming patch fails to address lingering performance issues in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Capcom unveils the upcoming April patch for Dragon's Dogma 2, shedding light on the changes and improvements awaiting players. The action RPG has garnered praise for its Pawn customization feature but has also faced technical hurdles since its launch, prompting Capcom to work on solutions.

Despite the game's initial success, with 2.5 million copies sold in its first week, players have encountered various technical issues, notably concerning frame rate stability. Capcom has been engaging with the community, offering glimpses of upcoming fixes to address player concerns. However, some patches have left players dissatisfied due to vague patch notes. With a major update slated for April, fans are eager for what's to come.

Teasing the imminent changes, the official Dragon's Dogma 2 Twitter account has outlined the key fixes and adjustments expected in the upcoming April update. While a specific release date is pending, the patch is anticipated to roll out soon, targeting behavioral quirks, bugs, and the unique Dragonsplague feature.

Insights into the April Update for Dragon's Dogma 2

The April Update is geared towards enhancing the behavior and dialogue of Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, with Capcom introducing a plethora of refinements. These include aligning dialogue with the game's progression, reducing repetitive lines, minimizing accidental falls by Pawns, and enhancing their AI assistance during combat. Moreover, adjustments to Dragonsplague aim to reduce its impact and visually distinguish affected characters with glowing eyes. Quality of life improvements will also be implemented, like removing opened treasure chest markers from the minimap.

Reactions to the upcoming updates have been mixed, with many expressing disappointment over the omission of critical performance fixes. While initial reports highlighted performance issues, players are still waiting for substantial updates or resolutions. Some players have resorted to extreme measures like eliminating NPCs to alleviate performance strain. Nonetheless, it seems players will have to wait a bit longer for these persistent issues to be fully addressed.