Deciphering Dragon's Dogma 2's Definitive Conclusion

Unveiling the singular true ending of Dragon's Dogma 2 that unlocks the game's ultimate area.
Deciphering Dragon's Dogma 2's Definitive Conclusion


  • Understanding the complex storyline of Dragon's Dogma 2 is crucial to unravelling its true ending.
  • Players navigate the Arisen's fate and the Dragon's cycle in a bid to achieve the conclusive resolution.
  • Utilizing the Empowered Godsbane Blade is the key to breaking the eternal cycle and attaining the true ending.

Dragon's Dogma 2's narrative intricacies stem from its rich lore scattered across its vast world, challenging players to piece together its complex story. The game presents three possible endings, each dependent on the player's choices, culminating in the game's true conclusion. This final outcome is pivotal as it signifies the definitive end of the Arisen's journey.

The core of Dragon's Dogma 2 remains similar to its predecessor, focusing on the Arisen's quest to vanquish the destructive Dragon and break the recurring cycle. The true ending offers players the opportunity to transcend this eternal struggle and bring closure to the narrative.

Unveiling the True Ending

Achieving the genuine conclusion of Dragon's Dogma 2 requires players to disrupt the traditional cycle of combat between the Arisen and the Dragon. By employing the Empowered Godsbane Blade in a unique manner, players can defy destiny and terminate the perpetual conflict once and for all.

Steps to Attain the True Ending

Players acquire the Empowered Godsbane Blade during the