Dragon's Dogma 2: Top Armors to Enhance Strike Defense

Enhancing strike resistance is crucial in boosting defense against specific damage types. Discover the top armor choices for maximizing strike resistance.
Dragon's Dogma 2: Top Armors to Enhance Strike Defense


  • Chanter's Half-Robe: Ideal for mages and bartenders, offering early essential strike resistance and silence protection.
  • Indomitable Armor: High defense and strike resistance, a rare loot found in the final area, designed for warriors.
  • Arch-Conjuror's Robe: A top pick for tricksters, providing exceptional strike resistance and illusion support.

Dragon's Dogma 2 features a variety of armor options for players to acquire or stumble upon throughout their journey in Capcom's action RPG. Each armor piece is tailored for a specific vocation, offering unique stats that justify the investment for the Arisen or Pawn wearing it.

When selecting armor, one critical stat to consider is Strike Resistance. This attribute boosts defense against a particular type of damage, supplementing the innate physical damage resistance already provided by the armor. Here are some of the finest armor choices renowned for their exceptional strike resistance.

8 Chanter's Half-Robe

Simple Yet Effective

  • Available for purchase at Celeste's Smithy.

Among the top strike-resistant armors in Dragon's Dogma 2 is the Chanter's Half-Robe, obtainable early in the game at Checkpoint Rest Town. While primarily suitable for the Magick Archer vocation, early-game mages can benefit from this bright yellow robe, offering protection against slashing damage and silencing spells.

7 Indomitable Armor

Unyielding Defense for Warriors

  • Exclusive loot from Drabnir's Grotto.

For warriors in Dragon's Dogma 2, like other melee-focused vocations, robust defense is essential to withstand enemy assaults. The Indomitable Armor, found in the final map area, not only boasts high defense but also enhances strike resistance, aiding the player or their pawn in combat.

6 Vanquisher's Armor

Agility and Resilience Combined

  • Available for purchase at Bodas' Armory.

Despite a thief's reliance on evading attacks, having sturdy armor like the Vanquisher's Armor is crucial for unavoidable strikes. This armor not only offers decent defense and Magick resistance but also reduces damage from enemy strikes, complemented by various resistance properties.