Unveiling Spurious Wings in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover the secrets to acquiring Spurious Wings to enhance your gear and conquer formidable foes in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Unveiling Spurious Wings in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Uncover the elusive Spurious Wings to strengthen your gear
  • Navigate through challenging regions to encounter Succubus enemies
  • Duplicate Spurious Wings at Ibrahim's Scrap Store for an unlimited supply

Dragon’s Dogma 2 presents players with a variety of materials to uncover throughout their journey, some being more rare than others. These materials play a crucial role in upgrading gear at the Smithy or Armory. Enhancing gear is essential to combatting the game's tougher adversaries effectively.

One such material vital for gear enhancement is Spurious Wings. Not knowing where to find them can leave you ill-equipped against formidable enemies. This guide will lead you to the locations where you can acquire Spurious Wings to prepare your weapons and armor for the game's most challenging trials.

Obtaining Spurious Wings in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Despite the name 'wing,' Spurious Wings are actually individual feathers with a weight of 0.10 kgs each, obtained from specific enemies.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 features various monster variants, including the challenging Succubus, a tougher version of Harpies. To acquire Spurious Wings, progress through the game's story by completing quests.

As you reach the Battahl region on the map, head to the Dragonsbreath Tower, located southwest from Bakbattahl. Along the way, you will encounter Succubus enemies marked by a red circle on the map.

Another location to find Succubus enemies and gather Spurious Wings is the Agamen Volcanic Island. Travel south from Battahl to reach the Volcanic Island Camp where you can engage these enemies.

Forging Items in Dragon’s Dogma 2

As Spurious Wings may not drop frequently, and one may not be sufficient for all gear upgrades, visit Ibrahim's Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town. By duplicating the wing here, you can amass the quantity needed, although at a cost of 1,728 gold and a 2-day wait in-game.

Ensure a steady supply of Spurious Wings by duplicating them at Ibrahim's Scrap Store while continuing your search for more. Manage time in-game to speed up the duplication process if needed.