Mastering Party Composition in Dragon's Dogma 2

Crafting a well-balanced party is crucial for success in Dragon's Dogma 2. Here's a guide to help you build the ultimate team.
Mastering Party Composition in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Balance melee and ranged attackers for versatility
  • Adapt pawn vocations to suit different challenges
  • Prioritize having a dedicated healer in your party

Dragon's Dogma 2 immerses players in an action RPG world where strategic party composition is key to overcoming formidable foes. Each pawn and the Arisen themselves play a vital role in ensuring a smooth gameplay experience.

To achieve a complete party composition that can triumph over any adversary, aspiring Arisen should follow these essential tips:

8 Attain Balanced Melee and Ranged Combatants

Embrace the Power of Range

To create a versatile party, ensure a mix of melee and ranged fighters. Equally distributing these roles among your party members enables effective combat against a variety of foes. Don't underestimate the value of ranged classes like archers, especially when facing aerial enemies such as Harpies or Griffins.

7 Customize Pawn Vocations for Different Scenarios

Adapt to Enemy Weaknesses

While a balanced party is beneficial, adjusting vocations based on specific challenges is crucial. For instance, doubling up on a vocation might be necessary to overcome certain tough enemies. Flexibility in vocation choices can make a significant difference in battle outcomes.

6 Ensure a Reliable Healer in Your Party

Sustain Your Party's Health

Health management is critical in Dragon's Dogma 2. Including a dedicated healer, such as a Kindhearted Mage, is essential to keep your party alive during intense battles. A healer ensures sustained health for both the Arisen and accompanying pawns, enhancing overall party survivability.

5 Diversify Pawn Specializations

Enhance Party Utility

Assign unique specializations to each pawn to maximize their utility. Having diverse specializations among pawns allows for varied support capabilities, such as identifying resources for crafting or creating essential consumables. This diversity enhances your party's effectiveness both in and out of combat.

4 Combine Complementary Skills Across Party Members

Unleash Synergistic Attacks

Experiment with combining different weapon skills to unleash powerful synergies. Coordination between party members, such as fighters launching thieves for aerial assaults, can lead to devastating enemy takedowns. Leveraging complementary skills enhances your party's combat effectiveness.

3 Utilize Augments from Various Vocations

Enhance Party Versatility

Unlock and mix augments from different vocations to bolster your party's capabilities. Augments offer diverse benefits that can be shared among party members, enhancing their overall performance. Strategically combining augments improves your party's survivability and combat prowess.

2 Prioritize Party Survivability

Ensure Longevity in Battles

Focus on enhancing your party's ability to withstand challenges, especially in the early game. Building a resilient party that can endure tough encounters is crucial for progression. Prioritize survivability through strategic vocation choices, augments, and gear to overcome initial hurdles.

1 Explore Advanced Vocations for Enhanced Skills

Unleash Powerful Abilities

Experiment with advanced vocations like Mystict Spearhand and Magick Archer to access unique and potent skills. These advanced classes offer specialized abilities that can greatly benefit your party in combat. Embracing advanced vocations adds depth and versatility to your party's capabilities.