Dragon's Dogma 2: Flower Guide

Discover the secrets to acquiring a variety of flowers in Dragon's Dogma 2 to enhance your gameplay experience.
Dragon's Dogma 2: Flower Guide


  • Learn how to obtain a Bunch of Flowers through crafting, buying, or finding them in-game.
  • Find out where to locate Noonbloom, Sunbloom, and Moonglow flowers for crafting purposes.
  • Explore different regions in the game to gather unique flowers and optimize your gameplay.

Dragon's Dogma 2 features a plethora of NPCs waiting to interact with players and build affinity. Boosting your rapport with these NPCs can be achieved by presenting them with gifts they like. While any gift will be appreciated, offering items that resonate with an NPC's preferences yields greater affinity points.

Determining your affinity level with an NPC can be challenging, but a telltale sign is their cheeks turning red when conversing with them at a high affinity level. NPCs may reciprocate your bond by offering discounts at their shops or leaving random gifts at your residence. Among the most favored gifts by many NPCs are Bunches of Flowers. Here's how you can acquire them.

How to Obtain Bunch of Flowers in Dragon's Dogma 2

There are three primary methods to secure a Bunch of Flowers: purchase, craft, or discover. Crafting a Bunch of Flowers involves combining two different flowers, namely Sunbloom, Noonbloom, or Moonglow. These flowers can be found in various locations within Vernworth, such as the Rose Chateau Bordelrie or the Vernworth Inn, and may also appear as rewards from wooden chests scattered across the city and its vicinity.

For a convenient option, journey to the Battahl region and head towards Bakbattahl city. Proceed along the main road leading to the Flamebearer Palace, then veer left before reaching the Oxcart bell. At the end of the road, on the right side, you'll spot the Flower Stand, vending Bunches of Flowers for 1,000 Gold.

Where to Find Noonbloom, Sunbloom, and Moonglow

Thrifty players can opt to locate and combine these flowers to save on expenses. Noonbloom and Sunbloom are available for purchase at the Flower Shop for 600 Gold and 200 Gold, respectively. Merging these two flowers proves to be a more economical choice than directly buying a Bunch of Flowers. These flowers can also be foraged in the open world, particularly in the Vermund region, known for its lush vegetation.

Sunbloom appears as clusters of tall yellow flowers, commonly sighted alongside major roads away from urban centers throughout Vermund. Moonglow, characterized by a wide spread of light blue flowers, thrives near the river beneath Checkpoint Rest Town. Noonbloom, relatively rare, can be discovered behind Myrddin's House, also situated in Checkpoint Rest Town. These locations are replenishable, with plucked flowers regenerating approximately every two in-game days, easily accessible by waiting at any bench.