Dragon's Dogma 2: Top Armor Picks for Slash Resistance

Discover the best armor selections to enhance slash resistance for melee characters in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Dragon's Dogma 2: Top Armor Picks for Slash Resistance


  • Explore top armor choices for maximizing slash resistance in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Uncover unique features and benefits of each recommended armor piece.
  • Enhance your gameplay by strategically selecting armor with high slash resistance.

Dragon's Dogma 2 introduces a limited but crucial selection of armor that players can acquire to bolster their defenses against various threats. Among these, slash damage stands out as a key area where melee characters, such as Fighters and Warriors, require significant protection. Here's a rundown of the top armor pieces that excel in slash resistance and where you can obtain them.

8 Creedbound Armor

Tailored for Physical Defense

  • Available for purchase at Bodas' Armory.

The Creedbound Armor is ideal for melee vocations seeking robust physical defense, offering substantial protection against slash damage. While lacking elemental resistances, its high defense and 5-slash resistance make it a reliable choice against sword and claw attacks.

7 Final Roar

Resilient Against Slash, Vulnerable to Deliberations

  • Obtainable at Bodas' Armory or in a chest at the Tomb of Ja'Nuwa.

The Final Roar, designed for Warriors, offers excellent protection against slash and strike damage, making it an excellent choice for melee combatants in the late game stages.

6 Totemic Shroud

Essential Defense for Tricksters

  • Exclusive to the Bay Wayside Shrine in the endgame.

The Totemic Shroud caters to Trickster vocations, offering crucial slash resistance to aid in defense while maneuvering through dangers.

5 Dvarapala

Premier Armor for Thieves

  • Acquirable at the Bay Wayside Shrine in the endgame.

The Dvarapala armor, named after a shrine guardian, provides exceptional protection against physical damage, including a notable 5-slash resistance, making it a top choice for thieving characters.

4 Stygian Omen

Superior Slash Defense for Fighters

  • Available at the Bay Wayside Shrine in the endgame.

The Stygian Omen armor provides substantial slash resistance, making it an excellent choice for Fighters seeking enhanced protection against various threats.

3 Charming Corset

Stylish and Protective

  • Earned by exchanging 150 Seeker Tokens at a Vocations Guild.

The Charming Corset offers versatile protection with impressive slash resistance, making it a fashionable and functional choice for all vocations.

2 August Dalmatica

Magical Defense Against Slash Damage

  • Drops from a Wight in the Enoa'Battahl Cavern.

The August Dalmatica robe offers significant slash resistance, making it a valuable choice for magic-focused characters requiring frontline defense.

1 Arch-Conjuror's Robe

Ultimate Defense for Tricksters and Warfarers

  • Purchaseable at Brokkr's Smithy in the endgame or obtainable from the Lesser Dragon.

The Arch-Conjuror's Robe offers unmatched slash resistance, tailored for Trickster vocations and adaptable for Warfarers, providing comprehensive defense against various threats.