Uncovering Hidden Gems from the Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Showcase

Exploring the latest revelations from the Gameplay Showcase of Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, aiming to redefine the anime gaming experience.
Uncovering Hidden Gems from the Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Showcase


  • Discover a faster combat experience with revamped movement mechanics for added excitement and immersion.
  • Dive into the strategic depth of the game with unique features like Revenge Counter and deflecting special Ki Moves.
  • Experience the game's meticulous design through details like damaged clothes, showcasing a commitment to authenticity.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero stands as a highly anticipated addition to the world of fighting games and marks a significant milestone in the realm of anime-based gaming. As part of the esteemed Budokai Tenkaichi lineage, this game is poised to uphold the rich legacy of its predecessors and deliver an unparalleled Dragon Ball experience. As the new year unfolds, the influx of news and insights surrounding Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero has been steadily mounting, culminating in the recent Showcase.

Amidst the awe-inspiring clash between Goku and Vegeta that captivated fans, the Gameplay Showcase unveiled a plethora of novel features that may have eluded many enthusiasts. These subtle yet crucial details offer a glimpse into the essence of the game. Here are some key highlights from the recent showcase:

6 Revolutionized Movement

Experience Thrilling Fast-Paced Combat

Sparking! Zero introduces significant alterations to the core movement dynamics, setting itself apart from the rest of the Budokai Tenkaichi series. The swifter and more seamless movement, along with enhanced animations and frame rates, elevates the gameplay. The introduction of short dashes akin to DBZ Kakarot enhances the intuitive and cinematic feel of battles, offering diverse offensive and defensive strategies such as evading Ki Blasts and launching rapid assaults. The revamped movement system is poised to be a focal point of the game.

5 Innovative Skill Count

Unleashing Unprecedented Depth

Among the myriad revelations during the battles at the Showcase, the introduction of a new resource called Skill Count has piqued interest. While the full mechanics are yet to be unveiled, players can leverage Skill Count for a Revenge Counter, absorbing incoming attacks to deliver a powerful retaliatory strike reminiscent of iconic anime moments. Additionally, Skill Count enables players to deflect special Ki Moves like the Galick Gun and Kamehameha, adding layers of strategic gameplay.

4 Dynamic Clothing Damage

Exquisite Attention to Detail

A standout feature in the Budokai Tenkaichi series is the array of character iterations and costume variations reflecting diverse sagas and films from the Dragon Ball universe. Mirroring the anime's intense battles where Z-Fighters' attire sustains damage, the game incorporates a dynamic clothing system where characters' outfits deteriorate as the fight progresses. This not only adds flair but also underscores the meticulous design philosophy embedded in Sparking! Zero.

3 Visual Brilliance

Elevating Beyond Anime Standards

Despite being a work in progress, Sparking! Zero already dazzles with its stunning visuals that surpass many contemporary games. The game boasts top-tier graphics, captivating destructible environments, detailed character models, and awe-inspiring Ki attacks. The ambitious endeavor to outshine the anime in terms of visual appeal bodes well for the game's prospects and reception among fans.

2 Diverse Attributes

Balancing Power and Agility

The Gameplay Showcase accentuated the significance of distinct attributes, particularly Power and Speed, exemplified through characters like Super Trunks, Jeice, and Burter. While the exact gameplay implications remain ambiguous, characters like Super Trunks exhibit high damage output and adept utilization of Skill Count, contrasting with agile characters like Jeice known for their speed and evasive maneuvers. The interplay of these attributes is poised to shape the game's strategic landscape.

1 Expansive Character Roster

Unveiling the Modern Fighting Game Marvel

Anticipation ran high regarding the roster size in the new Budokai Tenkaichi installment, and enthusiasts were delighted by the glimpse of a vast character selection on the official release website. With a roster boasting over a hundred characters representing a diverse array from the Z-Fighters, Saiyan lineage, newer Super characters, and movie personas, the game promises unparalleled variety and depth. Players can look forward to engaging with a rich tapestry of characters, ensuring a gripping and distinctive gaming experience.