Dragon Ball: Top Energy-Draining Moves

Discover the most draining attacks in Dragon Ball that require immense amounts of ki.
Dragon Ball: Top Energy-Draining Moves


  • Powerful moves like the Special Beam Cannon in Dragon Ball demand strategic charging due to their energy consumption.
  • Vegeta's Final Flash is a devastating beam attack that surprises foes but comes at the cost of draining significant ki.
  • The Tri-Beam technique used by Tien Shinhan is a life-force draining attack that must be used judiciously to avoid negative consequences.

Once a more adventure-focused manga, Dragon Ball has evolved into a battle-centric series with remarkable power-ups and moves. The fighters in the series boast potent attacks capable of depleting vast amounts of ki, making strategic deployment essential to avoid exhaustion mid-battle.

Let's delve into some of the most energy-draining moves in the Dragon Ball universe that have the potential to turn the tide of any confrontation:

6 Special Beam Cannon

Requires Time and Power for Charging

  • User(s): Piccolo, Son Gohan

The Special Beam Cannon stands out as one of the mightiest techniques in Dragon Ball, demanding both time and energy for charging. Its potency is such that even an adept user like Piccolo needs to use it judiciously to avoid depleting all their energy reserves.

5 Final Flash

A Destructive Beam Attack by Vegeta

  • User(s): Vegeta

Vegeta's Final Flash is a formidable beam attack that, while devastating, drains a significant amount of ki. Its power is capable of surprising foes like Perfect Cell, but Vegeta must use it sparingly due to its energy-intensive nature.

4 Evil Containment Wave

A Sealing Technique with Dire Consequences

  • User(s): Various

The Evil Containment Wave, while a powerful sealing technique, comes with a grave cost for users lacking sufficient stamina. Its usage can be fatal if employed without caution, making it a risky move even in dire situations.