Deconstructing Dragon Ball: Understanding Android 18’s Infinity Bullet

Discover how Android 18's unique move sets her apart in battle against formidable foes
Deconstructing Dragon Ball: Understanding Android 18’s Infinity Bullet


  • Unveiling the power and prowess of Infinity Bullet, Android 18's distinctive combat technique in Dragon Ball
  • Delving into the overwhelming strength and technological sophistication behind Android 18's Infinity Bullet
  • Exploring the connection between Android 18 and her twin brother Android 17 through their signature energy techniques

Dragon Ball is renowned for its captivating narratives, diverse characters, and intricate power dynamics. One of the standout features of the series is the individualized combat moves tailored to each character's persona and fighting style. These signature techniques not only showcase their prowess but also define their identity as warriors.

Android 18 emerges as a force to be reckoned with, boasting exceptional strength and martial skills. Her iconic move, the Infinity Bullet, although seemingly subtle, proves to be a versatile and formidable asset in battle. Let's delve into the mechanics and significance of the Infinity Bullet.

The Might of Infinity Bullet

Android 18's Infinity Bullet stands out as a high-powered energy technique designed to overwhelm adversaries relentlessly. This skill underscores her combat expertise and unique capabilities, showcasing a blend of strength and finesse.

Infused with formidable energy and advanced technology, Android 18 commands a range of devastating moves, with the Infinity Bullet reigning as her signature attack. By harnessing energy within her body, she unleashes a rapid succession of energy blasts, creating a continuous barrage that rains down on her target with unwavering force. The technique's speed and precision make it a challenging feat for opponents to evade or counter.

Frequency of Infinity Bullet

Despite its potency, Android 18 sparingly employs the Infinity Bullet in the main series. While a popular choice in Dragon Ball games, its appearances in the anime are limited.

In particular, Future Android 18 exhibits a preference for this move compared to her alternate timeline counterpart. She utilized it during a destructive spree alongside Future Android 17. Notably, in Dragon Ball GT, Android 18 utilized the Infinity Bullet in the confrontation against Super 17 alongside Goku.

Shared Techniques: Android 18 and Android 17

While Android 18 predominantly showcases the Infinity Bullet, she is not the sole practitioner in the Dragon Ball universe. Her twin brother, Android 17, exhibits a similar move called the Power Blitz, echoing elements of the Infinity Bullet.

The Infinity Bullet's reputation stems from its relentless and overpowering nature, bombarding foes with an endless stream of energy projectiles. Its sheer intensity and volume make it a formidable offensive tactic, capable of overpowering even the most resilient adversaries. Beyond its combat utility, the Infinity Bullet mirrors Android 18's fusion of cybernetic enhancements and martial arts proficiency. As one of the rare female combatants in the Dragon Ball realm, Android 18's techniques, including the Infinity Bullet, symbolize her resilience, expertise, and valor in combat.

You can immerse yourself in the Dragon Ball Super manga via Viz and stream the Dragon Ball Super anime on Crunchyroll.