Why Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Protagonist Narrative Must Defy Expectations

Exploring the importance of BioWare delivering on its promise of a unique and ordinary protagonist in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.
Why Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Protagonist Narrative Must Defy Expectations


  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's narrative hinges on featuring a protagonist devoid of traditional chosen one tropes, a departure from past games in the series.
  • BioWare's commitment to maintaining a normal protagonist in Dreadwolf is crucial for a fresh and inventive storytelling approach, contrasting the transformation of a regular character into a chosen one like Hawke.
  • The potential for an intriguing David vs. Goliath storyline in Dreadwolf against formidable adversaries like Solas and the Evanuris could be compromised by resorting to clichéd storytelling conventions.

Despite the limited information available about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, one consistent message from BioWare's promotional material is its focus on an ordinary protagonist, a stark deviation from the 'chosen one' archetype. While Dragon Age: Inquisition introduced a similar concept with Hawke in Dragon Age 2, the character's subsequent transformation into a special individual in Legacy raised concerns. Given the high stakes in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, there is a risk of repeating this narrative arc, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the protagonist's normalcy.

Reimagining the Protagonist in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Breaking the Mold

In the realm of video games, particularly RPGs, protagonists often possess unique traits like special abilities, bloodlines, or prophecies, setting them apart from others. Previous Dragon Age titles featured characters with distinct qualities, such as the Grey Warden in Origins and the Inquisitor in Inquisition. In contrast, Dragon Age 2 portrayed Hawke as an unremarkable refugee who gained recognition through their actions, until a revelation about their bloodline altered perceptions.

Dragon Age 2: Legacy revealed Hawke's significance due to their bloodline, which inadvertently led to the release of Corypheus, a pivotal event in the series. The narrative shift emphasized the impact of lineage on character development, diverging from the usual storytelling conventions.

Upholding Promises for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Preserving Normalcy

In Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the absence of extraordinary traits in the protagonist offers a unique storytelling opportunity. BioWare's adherence to this concept is vital for fostering creativity and originality in the narrative. With formidable adversaries like Solas and the Evanuris in play, the potential for a compelling underdog story arc exists, provided the game avoids falling back on conventional tropes for mass appeal.