Exploring Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Companions with a Lord of the Rings Twist

Discover how Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's companions draw inspiration from the iconic Fellowship in Lord of the Rings.
Exploring Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Companions with a Lord of the Rings Twist


  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf introduces a new fellowship dynamic for its companions.
  • The protagonist in Dreadwolf is portrayed as a leader with unexpected qualities.
  • Similarities can be drawn between LOTR's Fellowship of the Rings and the potential dynamics of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's companions.

This summer, EA and BioWare will finally reveal more details about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, a highly anticipated game that has kept fans eagerly waiting since its initial announcement in 2018. The official description on DA: Dreadwolf's Steam page hints at a connection between its companions and the renowned Fellowship from Lord of the Rings. While previous Dragon Age games centered around different types of companions, such as the Grey Warden or Hawke's friends, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf takes a unique approach by referring to its companions as a "Fellowship."

At the core of this fellowship concept is the relationship between the companions and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's mysterious protagonist. Little is known about this character, but descriptions suggest a departure from traditional power dynamics. The protagonist is framed as someone who defies expectations, lacking magical abilities or ancient prophecies, which aligns with the enigmatic nature of the fellowship.

Unveiling the Fellowship in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

The official Steam description emphasizes the need for a new leader in Thedas who will bring together a diverse group to confront looming threats. Players will navigate through friendship, drama, and romance as they assemble this extraordinary team. The protagonist, depicted as both a leader and an unexpected figure, signifies a shift from established Dragon Age narratives where characters were tied to specific organizations or bloodlines. Instead, the protagonist ignites a fellowship united by a common cause.

A fellowship, defined as a friendly association among like-minded individuals, mirrors the quest to thwart Solas's destructive plans in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. The protagonist's role is not to recruit followers for a cause but to unite a diverse group under shared interests. This narrative parallel with Lord of the Rings suggests a potential trajectory where leadership is fluid and defined by collective goals rather than individual authority.

Drawing Parallels Between LOTR and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

In the tradition of Lord of the Rings, where leadership within the Fellowship shifts based on circumstances and individual strengths, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf may adopt a similar dynamic. The protagonist could serve as a unifying force for allies already resisting Solas, akin to Gandalf's role in rallying the Fellowship. As the story progresses, companions might emerge as leaders in their own right, each guiding a narrative thread that contributes to the overarching quest.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could redefine player-companion dynamics by placing companions at the forefront, steering the narrative while the player assumes a supportive role. This departure from convention, coupled with rumored combat system changes, promises an intriguing gameplay experience. As details unfold, players can anticipate the formation of this unique fellowship in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.