Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Lore Inspiration for the Bard Class

Exploring the potential of the bard class in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and its unique lore-inspired gameplay.
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's Lore Inspiration for the Bard Class


  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could benefit from reintroducing the diverse bard class, offering unique gameplay options and potential for a new storyline.
  • Unlike the bards in Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age bards are primarily assassins and rogues, making them intriguing characters with a creative flair and interesting lore.
  • The bard class in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could thrive by combining the skills of a rogue with those of a bard, allowing for various faction affiliations and espionage-based storylines.

Baldur’s Gate 3 features an array of classes for players to select, whereas Dragon Age has traditionally offered only the standard Warrior, Mage, and Rogue classes. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could draw inspiration from Baldur’s Gate 3’s class system by introducing new classes previously unseen in the game, with the bard class standing out as a compelling addition to the world of Dragon Age.

The bard class, often overlooked in Baldur’s Gate 3, holds great potential within the lore of Dragon Age. The inclusion of this class could offer players a fresh experience, particularly since the last opportunity to play as a bard was in the inaugural game, Dragon Age Origins. Not only does this represent a long absence, but it also presents an opportunity to introduce a unique class distinct from the standard three.

The Benefits of The Bard Class

The Diverse Nature of Bards

Integrating the bard class from Baldur’s Gate 3 into Dragon Age: Dreadwolf offers numerous advantages, primarily due to the class’s diversity. In Baldur’s Gate 3, bards serve as charismatic communicators, adept at charming their way through situations. They possess the ability to heal allies through song, employ magic to incapacitate foes, and utilize various persuasion techniques. Additionally, they are proficient with an assortment of weapons, including rapiers, hand crossbows, longswords, and shortswords. This contrasts with the portrayal of bards in Dragon Age.

The Intriguing Lore of Bards in Dragon Age

In Dragon Age, bards primarily function as assassins, spies, and rogues, diverging from the portrayal in Baldur’s Gate 3 as storytellers, singers, and comedians. This creative aspect, combined with their distinct roles, sets them apart from their counterparts in Dragon Age. The lore surrounding Dragon Age’s bards depicts their rigorous combat training, often at the expense of emotional attachments. Proficient in archery and dual blades, they are recognized for their signature move, the Butterfly, a rapid sequence of dagger strikes targeting an enemy’s wrist and throat. While a departure from the traditional rogue-like bards, the incorporation of a non-rogue bard in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf would offer an intriguing deviation considering the existing lore.

Implementing the Bard Class in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

Adapting Bards to a Faction-Based Class System

In Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the bard class could seamlessly amalgamate rogue and bard skills. If the game transitions to a faction-based class system, the incorporation of a bard class becomes even more compelling. Bards could effortlessly integrate into various factions, such as acting troupes, royal courts, or even circuses, enabling them to thrive within an espionage-focused narrative, aligning with organizations like the Antivan Crows or the Inquisition. The absence of the bard specialization following Dragon Age Origins presents an opportunity for its reintroduction as a standalone class, enriching the game’s narrative and lore. Reintroducing background-based classes in Dragon Age would further enhance the viability of the bard class, offering players the enjoyable prospect of playing musical instruments in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.