Easy Crock Pot Recipes for Beginners in Don't Starve Together

Discover simple and effective Crock Pot recipes to aid your survival in the early stages of the game.
Easy Crock Pot Recipes for Beginners in Don't Starve Together


  • Crafting a Crock Pot early on can save time and resources
  • Utilize easily obtainable ingredients for efficient dishes
  • Ensure a steady supply of food for sustained survival

Embarking on the adventure in Don't Starve Together can be challenging, especially during the initial phase where gathering essential items is crucial for thriving in the Constant. While relying on Carrots and Berries is a common early survival strategy, it becomes inefficient as the game progresses.

Therefore, creating a Crock Pot early on can streamline the food collection process and enable players to cook more nourishing meals. Here are some of the simplest Crock Pot recipes in Don't Starve Together that can assist beginners in their journey.

1 Butter Muffin

Achievable with Basic Ingredients

Butter Muffin stands out as one of the easiest recipes to prepare during the early game. It requires a Butterfly Wing and a Vegetable, both of which are readily available. The Vegetable slot can be filled with a Mushroom Cap or Carrot, while two Twigs or two Ice can serve as the remaining ingredients. Additionally, Moon Moth Wings can be used, but they are typically obtained at a later stage in the game.

This dish has a decent shelf life and provides substantial hunger and health restoration, making it an optimal way to convert potentially harmful foods like Red Cap into beneficial sustenance for Don't Starve Together survivors.

2 Bunny Stew

Utilize Seasonal Resources

As Don't Starve Together often begins in Fall/Autumn, transitioning into Winter, acquiring Ice becomes feasible. This cold season facilitates easy Ice collection, allowing survivors to combine one meat with three Ice to produce a Bunny Stew. For those with an Ice Box, storing surplus Ice becomes viable, as it does not melt when placed inside. Stockpiling sufficient frozen water during Winter ensures a sustainable supply throughout the year.

Despite the name, 'Bunny' Stew can be created using any small meat such as Frog Legs or Batilisk Wing, provided an ample quantity of Ice is available.

3 Meatballs

Versatile Meat-based Dish

While Meatballs may offer limited health and sanity restoration in Don't Starve Together, they excel in satisfying hunger. This dish simply requires one Meat and three fillers. While Twigs are not compatible, various common items such as Berries, Roasted Birchnut, Ice, Mushroom Cap, Butterfly Wing, and Carrot can be utilized as suitable fillers.

Meatballs can be prepared using any type of Meat. Small meats like Morsels allow the inclusion of only one Ice, as two Ice would yield a Bunny Stew. Conversely, larger meats like Monster Meat can be safely transformed into Meatballs by combining them with three Ice in the Crock Pot.

4 Trail Mix

Healing Properties with Common Ingredients

For healing purposes in Don't Starve Together, Trail Mix offers a simple solution. Combining Roasted Birchnut (requires prior roasting), one Berry, and one Fruit creates a restorative meal that replenishes 30 HP. As Berries also qualify as Fruit, players can use two Berries and add a Twig or Ice as the filler.

While Trail Mix serves as an effective and easily prepared healing food, it's essential to note that Birchnut Trees only yield fruits in specific seasons, with autumn being the optimal time for collection, as they produce two fruits. During Winter, the trees are barren, and no Birchnut is obtainable until Spring.

5 Froggle Bunwich

Utilize Abundant Frog Legs

Despite the potential challenge of acquiring Frog Legs, players with an abundance of this meat can consider creating Froggle Bunwich. Offering comparable stat restoration to Bunny Stew and Butter Muffin, Froggle Bunwich, unlike Bunny Stew but similar to Butter Muffin, can be successfully prepared with two Twigs. However, for greater hunger satisfaction, crafting Meatballs might be a more favorable option.

6 Fist Full Of Jam

Limited Utility but Situational Benefits

While offering a mere 37.5 Hunger recovery, Fist Full of Jam may seem comparable to consuming Roasted Berries. However, this dish can still prove useful in specific scenarios:

7 Fishsticks

Satisfying Health Benefits with Minimal Twig Requirement

Enthusiastic fishers in Don't Starve Together, whether in freshwater or saltwater, can take advantage of the abundance of Fish to create Fish Sticks. By combining a Fish with a Twig and suitable fillers, players can enjoy a substantial health recovery of 40 HP, although the dish has a relatively short Perish Time, degrading after only 10 days.