D&D: The Ultimate Guide to Martial Melee Weapons

Discover the top martial melee weapons for your Dungeons & Dragons adventures.
D&D: The Ultimate Guide to Martial Melee Weapons


  • Choose the perfect weapon based on your character's strengths and preferences.
  • Unleash the power of unique properties and maximize your combat effectiveness.
  • Find the ideal balance between style, damage potential, and versatility in your weapon selection.

Selecting the ideal weapon is a crucial decision when creating your character in Dungeons & Dragons. Your choice is influenced by various factors such as Class, Race, Feats, and personal preference. While some weapons may suit your character's abilities better, others might put you at a disadvantage.

Dungeons and Dragons offers a wide range of weapons, each with its own set of terms and mechanics that can initially be overwhelming. However, it's essential to remember that it's not just about numbers. If you are drawn to a less optimal weapon because you find it appealing, go for it! There are ways to make any weapon effective. But for those seeking the best martial melee weapons, check out the list below.

9 Whip

1d4 Slashing Damage

  • Properties: Finesse, Reach

The whip is a fascinating yet often underestimated martial weapon. Despite its low damage output, it possesses unique properties. With the Finesse property, characters can apply either Strength or Dexterity as their damage modifiers.

The key to utilizing this weapon lies in its Reach property. As the sole one-handed weapon with extended reach, it proves invaluable in specific situations. It's particularly suitable for Rogues who typically favor daggers, which share the same damage die.

8 Lance

1d12 Piercing Damage

  • Properties: Reach, Special

The lance is an intriguing weapon that demands a level of expertise for effective use. Primarily designed for mounted combat, its Special property requires characters to wield it with both hands when dismounted.

Engaging an enemy within 5 feet imposes Disadvantage on the attacker's rolls. Nonetheless, for characters specializing in mounted combat, the Lance stands out as a prime choice. Its formidable damage output ranks among the highest, while the extended reach opens up new tactical opportunities.

7 Shortsword / Scimitar

1d6 Piercing/Slashing Damage

  • Properties: Finesse, Light

The Shortsword and Scimitar are optimal choices for dual-wielding due to their Light property. Unlike other weapons, these do not necessitate the Dual Wielder feat, conserving valuable attribute points.

Ideal for lower levels, these weapons pack significant early-game damage potential. However, their efficacy diminishes as characters gain extra attacks and additional perks.

6 Flail / Morningstar / War Pick

1d8 Bludgeoning/Piercing Damage

  • Properties: None

These three weapons are nearly identical, differing primarily in damage type. While the Morningstar and War Pick deal piercing damage, the Flail inflicts bludgeoning damage, with the latter holding a slight advantage due to more adversaries vulnerable to bludgeoning attacks.

A solid choice for shield-bearing characters, these weapons are one-handed, offering flexibility in character builds and playstyles.

5 Greataxe

1d12 Slashing Damage

  • Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

The Greataxe proves an excellent choice for Strength-focused warriors, outshining its counterparts, the Greatsword and Maul, in specific scenarios. While 2d6 typically outperforms 1d12 in damage output, the situation changes with Brutal Criticals.

Barbarians and Half-Orcs, equipped with this ability, roll an additional weapon die upon landing a critical hit. Opting for an extra 1d12 over a 1d6 proves notably impactful in such instances.

4 Battleaxe / Warhammer / Longsword

1d8 Bludgeoning/Slashing Damage

  • Properties: Versatile (1d10)

This trio stands as the cornerstone for many martial fighters, boasting solid damage output. All of them are Versatile, enabling characters to leverage both hands for increased damage potential. They cater to diverse playstyles, accommodating shield usage preferences.

Choosing among these weapons boils down to personal style and inclination, with the Warhammer holding a slight edge due to its bludgeoning damage type, unlike the others that deal slashing damage. Additionally, this group offers a range of magical variants worth considering.

3 Rapier

1d8 Piercing Damage

  • Properties: Finesse

Distinguished by its Finesse property and lack of Versatile feature, the Rapier appeals to a broader range of characters proficient in Dexterity. Particularly favored by Rangers and Rogues with superior Dexterity but lacking Strength, this weapon offers versatility in character builds.

As a one-handed weapon, the Rapier serves as a primary weapon choice for numerous character archetypes, akin to the Longsword.

2 Halberd / Glaive / Pike

1d10 Slashing/Piercing Damage

  • Properties: Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed

These weapons, though less conventional, offer a distinctive playstyle owing to their extended reach and formidable damage potential. Unlike the Lance, they do not impose penalties when engaging enemies within close quarters. However, due to their Heavy nature, smaller races like Hobbits and Kobolds face Disadvantage when wielding them.

Often paired with the Polearm Master feat, these weapons empower characters to strike incoming foes as a Reaction and execute an additional attack as a Bonus Action using the weapon's blunt end.

1 Greatsword / Maul

2d6 Slashing/Bludgeoning Damage

  • Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Although less versatile than some counterparts, the Greatsword and Maul boast the highest average damage among all martial weapons. With a requirement for high Strength to wield effectively, strategic planning is essential when opting for these weapons.

Pairing these weapons with the Great Weapon Master feat allows characters to trade a -5 penalty to attack rolls for a substantial +10 bonus damage, making them formidable assets in combat situations.