Top 10 Swords in Dungeons and Dragons

Discover the most powerful swords that can alter the course of your tabletop adventures.
Top 10 Swords in Dungeons and Dragons


  • Embark on a challenging journey to obtain legendary swords in Dungeons and Dragons.
  • Select a sword that complements your character and seek advice from the Dungeon Master.
  • Unleash unique abilities of legendary swords like cutting through enemies and traversing different planes.

Throughout history, the allure of swords has captivated the imagination, and in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons, a vast array of these formidable weapons awaits. The path from a mundane blade to a reality-altering artifact is often a test of endurance and valor, but the rewards are unparalleled.

Choosing the ideal weapon for your character involves careful consideration of various factors such as class, playstyle, and build. Engage in discussions with your Dungeon Master to align your choice with the story. Moreover, be prepared for the possibility of encountering custom-crafted weapons that can surpass even the official arsenal.

10 Scimitar Of Speed

A Swift Weapon Allowing Extra Attacks

The Scimitar of Speed stands out as a versatile and accessible weapon, offering a +2 Finesse capability that allows players to leverage either Strength or Dexterity. Its Light property enables dual-wielding, and the bonus action grants an additional attack, making it a potent choice for maximizing damage output.

9 Sword Of The Planes

An Epic Blade Facilitating Interplanar Travel

Recently introduced in the Book of Many Things supplement, the Sword of the Planes boasts a formidable +3 bonus and the extraordinary ability to cut through foes and dimensions alike. It empowers wielders to traverse various planes effortlessly, reshaping the battlefield with each swing.

8 Sword Of Answering

A Blade of Precision and Retribution

Within the Greyhawk setting, the rare Sword of Answering embodies alignment-specific traits without demanding attunement. This weapon enhances attacks with a +3 bonus and empowers wielders to retaliate against assailants with a potent Reaction, circumventing resistances and immunities.