D&D: Top Picks for Basic Melee Gear

Exploring the standout simple melee weapons in the world of D&D
D&D: Top Picks for Basic Melee Gear


  • Discover the essential simple melee weapons in Dungeons & Dragons
  • Unveil the top choices for characters not proficient in martial weapons
  • Learn how these weapons can be versatile and effective in combat

Dungeons & Dragons presents a diverse array of weapons, ranging from martial to simple. While martial weapons demand specific training linked to a character's class and background, simple weapons offer a more accessible option for a broader range of characters. In a world where a rogue with a dagger is more common than a warrior with a morningstar, mastering simple melee weapons becomes crucial.

Proficiency in martial weapons comes naturally to fighters, barbarians, paladins, and rangers. However, classes like wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, and druids often rely on simple weapons for defense when spells are not an option. These simple weapons not only serve as last-resort choices but can also showcase a character's resourcefulness.

10 Sickle / Club

Lightweight Options for Quick Strikes

  • 1d4 damage
  • Cost:
  • 1 sp for club
  • 1 gp for sickle

The sickle and club, despite their differences, share the same damage output and the 'light' property. This allows for dual-wielding, offering strategic advantages in combat situations.

Although these weapons might not deal heavy blows, they provide a reliable option for tight spots or when subtlety is key.

9 Mace

Simple yet Effective

  • 1d6 damage
  • 5 gp

The mace offers straightforward bludgeoning damage at an affordable price. While lacking special properties, its efficiency in combat makes it a go-to choice when better options are scarce.

Weighing only 4 lbs, even characters with limited strength can wield the mace with ease.

8 Handaxe / Light Hammer

Dual-purpose Weapons for Various Scenarios

  • 1d6 damage
  • Cost:
  • 5 gp for handaxe
  • 2 gp for light hammer

Both the handaxe and light hammer offer versatility with ranged capabilities and the 'light' property. Their ability to be used as thrown weapons adds a tactical edge to encounters but requires caution due to the need for retrieval.

Players can leverage these weapons in a range of situations, balancing offense and defense effectively.