Conquering the Dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2: Essential Tips

Prepare yourself for the ultimate showdown against the Dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2 with these crucial strategies to ensure your victory!
Conquering the Dragon in Dragon's Dogma 2: Essential Tips


  • Stock up on essential items for the battle
  • Leverage the environment to gain an advantage
  • Target weak points like the head and heart for maximum damage

Dragon's Dogma 2 presents players with a formidable challenge in the form of the Dragon, a fearsome adversary that tests their skills to the limit. As the final and most daunting battle, players must equip themselves with the best strategies to emerge triumphant.

To aid players in this epic encounter, here are some invaluable tips to follow when confronting the Dragon. These suggestions not only ensure adequate preparation before the battle but also offer insights on surviving the intense showdown.

8 Preparation Is Key

Stock Up on Essential Items

Prior to engaging in the climactic main story quest leading to the Dragon encounter, players should meticulously organize their inventory. Discarding unnecessary items and replacing them with crucial supplies such as healing potions, stamina replenishers, and burn-curing elixirs is essential.

Having these resources readily available can significantly ease the battle's difficulty, and players should also ensure their Pawns are well-equipped with these vital items.

7 Utilize Climbing Mechanics

Gain an Upper Hand by Grabbing On

A critical aspect of Dragon's Dogma 2 is the ability to climb onto large enemies like the Dragon. Melee-focused characters should exploit this mechanic to evade close-range attacks effectively.

Climbing atop the colossal Dragon not only offers safety from direct assaults but also provides strategic vantage points for offense, requiring intermittent clinging to avoid being dislodged.

6 Use the Environment to Your Advantage

Strategic Combat with Environmental Elements

Throughout their journey in Dragon's Dogma 2, players are encouraged to exploit the surroundings to enhance their combat effectiveness. This principle applies to the arena where the Dragon confrontation occurs.

By spotting a ballista perched on a rock, players can latch onto the Dragon during flight to access this weapon, which can be wielded against the Dragon during the battle, albeit with caution as the Dragon can destroy the ballista.

5 Exploit the Dragon's Size

Positioning for Tactical Advantage

Despite its immense size, players can employ strategies akin to battling smaller foes to survive encounters with the Dragon. Non-climbing or ranged characters should maneuver behind the Dragon to minimize exposure to its attacks.

By positioning themselves at the rear, players primarily need to evade the Dragon's tail swipes, enabling them to resume offensive actions once the immediate threat subsides.

4 Equip Fire-Resistant Gear

Shielding Against Elemental Offensives

In addition to evasive maneuvers, players can enhance their defense by donning armor with fire resistance, countering the Dragon's fiery assaults effectively.

Acquiring top-tier armor with superior defensive and fire-resistant attributes bolsters players' survivability against the Dragon's incendiary attacks, a precaution that should extend to outfitting their Pawns for increased durability.

3 Interpret Attack Signals

Anticipate and Dodge Lethal Moves

Apart from its imposing presence and fire-breathing capabilities, the Dragon possesses potent spellcasting abilities that pose grave threats to players and their Pawns. By discerning the Dragon's attack patterns, players can preemptively evade devastating spells.

Recognizing cues like the Dragon's pre-casting posture, indicated by raised claws, enables players to interrupt their actions, avoiding the impending spell effects and mitigating potential harm.

2 Mind Your Level

Optimal Levels Enhance Combat Viability

Players who diligently explore the game world before confronting the Dragon may not face level-related challenges. Conversely, those primarily focused on the main storyline should ensure they surpass level 30.

Maintaining a level above this threshold safeguards players from potential one-shot eliminations by the Dragon, averting prolonged revival cycles that divert focus from engaging the Dragon effectively.

1 Target Vulnerabilities

Exploit Weak Points for Swift Victory

The pinnacle strategy in Dragon's Dogma 2 against the Dragon entails focusing on its weak spots for optimal damage. Prioritize attacks on the Dragon's Head, accessible to ranged characters or climbers aiming between its horns.

Subsequently, targeting the Dragon's heart, a critical vulnerability, with enhanced damage boosts like savagery extracts accelerates its defeat, provided players and their Pawns execute coordinated assaults swiftly.