The Best Dwarven Classes in Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

Exploring the four unique classes in Deep Rock Galactic and how they excel in bug extermination and mining operations
The Best Dwarven Classes in Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor


  • The Engineer class in Deep Rock Galactic excels with turrets and innovative weapons for crowd control and traversal during bug extermination.
  • The Driller class specializes in up-close combat with unique acid and flame weapons, making him ideal for dealing with hordes of enemies.
  • The Gunner class is a heavy hitter with high ammo capacity weapons, effective in taking out bugs but vulnerable during reloads.

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor introduces players to a group of space dwarves on a mission to mine ores and eradicate alien bugs. Each player must pick one of the four available classes, each with its unique set of skills, to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Let's dive into the strengths and weaknesses of each class to determine which one reigns supreme in bug-slaying efficiency.

4 Engineer

The Master of Invention

The Engineer in Deep Rock Galactic specializes in deploying turrets and other ingenious weapons to control crowds and aid in traversal. With weapons like Voltaic Shock Fence and Breach Cutter, the Engineer can effectively handle clusters of enemies. However, playing as an Engineer requires strategic planning due to the unconventional nature of the weapons.

Each class mod for the Engineer offers a unique gameplay experience, from wielding a grenade launcher to setting up automatic shotguns. The Engineer's playstyle revolves around creating a fortified position using turrets while focusing on completing objectives.

3 Driller

The Tunneling Menace

Unlike his counterparts, the Driller thrives on close combat, wielding acid and flame-based weapons to devastate enemies. With limited range but high damage output, the Driller is a force to be reckoned with in tight spaces. His ability to drill through terrain quickly makes him indispensable for mining missions.

Drillers can excel in crowd control with the Interrogator class mod, which enhances their area-of-effect capabilities. Navigating open spaces can be challenging for Drillers, requiring careful positioning to maximize their fiery arsenal.

2 Gunner

The Ammo Connoisseur

Equipped with high-capacity weapons, the Gunner is a powerhouse in combat, capable of mowing down waves of bugs with ease. His arsenal, including the Thunderhead Auto-Cannon and Leadstorm Minigun, ensures relentless firepower on the battlefield.

Despite his formidable firepower, the Gunner faces challenges during reloads due to slow weapon handling. Strategic positioning and constant awareness of ammo levels are crucial for Gunner players to avoid being overwhelmed by enemies.

1 Scout

The Swift Marksman

As the nimblest of the classes, the Scout excels in maneuverability and precision shooting. Armed with long-range weapons and exceptional speed, the Scout can swiftly eliminate threats from a safe distance.

With class mods like Sharpshooter and Recon Scout, the Scout enhances his combat prowess with increased critical damage and evasion abilities. Players who prefer a strategic, calculated approach to combat will find the Scout's skill set invaluable in challenging missions.