Decoding Rise of the Ronin: A Guide to Weapon Types

Choosing the right weapon in Rise of the Ronin is crucial for success. Explore the unique attributes of each weapon type and combat style.
Decoding Rise of the Ronin: A Guide to Weapon Types


  • Each weapon type in the game offers distinct strengths and weaknesses to match various playstyles and combat preferences.
  • The Edo period Japanese setting influences the weapons available, ranging from katanas to Western swords.
  • Players need to consider weapon stats, combat styles, and personal preferences to optimize their effectiveness in battles.

Choosing the perfect weapon in Rise of the Ronin is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your gameplay. The game presents a variety of weapon types, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these nuances is essential for mastering combat in this immersive world.

Let's delve into the unique characteristics of each weapon type in Rise of the Ronin to help you make informed choices for your journey.

1 Katana

Traditional Sword That Supports Versatile Combat Styles

  • Stats: Strength + Charm/Dexterity
  • Top Combat Style: Hayabusa-ryu
  • Pros: Extremely versatile, adaptable to various playstyles
  • Cons: Limited reach, moderate per-hit damage

The Katana, a popular early-game choice, offers flexibility and agility in combat. Its close-quarters nature demands swift reflexes and a good understanding of game mechanics to unleash its full potential.

While the Katana excels in speed, it may lack the raw power of heavier weapons. Mastery of the Hayabusa-ryu combat style can elevate its effectiveness, making it a deadly weapon in skilled hands.

2 Odachi

Powerful, Long-Range Melee Blade That Requires Skill

  • Stats: Strength + Charm/Dexterity/Intellect
  • Top Combat Style: Tennen Rishin-ryu
  • Pros: Impressive reach, high damage output
  • Cons: Steep learning curve, vulnerable against fast foes

The Odachi, known for its strength and range, demands precision from its wielder. Its sweeping strikes and devastating power make it a formidable choice once mastered.

While slower than other weapons, the Odachi's ability to control the battlefield and deliver punishing blows compensates for its lack of speed.

3 Greatsword

A Western Sword Offering Long Reach & High Damage

  • Stats: Strength + Charm/Dexterity/Intellect
  • Top Combat Style: Hoshin-ryu
  • Pros: Extended reach, significant Ki damage, effective against slow adversaries
  • Cons: Sluggish attacks, vulnerable against agile opponents

The Greatsword, embodying Western influence, boasts power and reach. Its slow strikes are best suited for facing formidable foes where timing and strategy prevail over speed.

By leveraging its strength and Ki-based attacks, the Greatsword excels in delivering decisive blows and breaking enemy defenses.