Death Stranding 2: Embracing an Opportunity With Higgs

Higgs stole the show in Death Stranding 2’s recent State of Play trailer, presenting a unique opportunity for the game to do something extraordinary with his character.
Death Stranding 2: Embracing an Opportunity With Higgs


  • Higgs, a standout character in Death Stranding 2, captivated the audience in the recent State of Play trailer with his exceptional abilities and lightning guitar weapon.
  • Renowned for surprise playable characters, Hideo Kojima could introduce Higgs as a playable character in DS2, injecting freshness into the game.
  • Incorporating Higgs into combat-heavy segments could introduce diversity to the gameplay, addressing criticisms about Death Stranding's repetitive nature.

When the offbeat State of Play trailer for Death Stranding 2 was unveiled, it not only provided fans of Kojima Productions' franchise with an official subtitle but also sparked a plethora of theories within the series' community. From a winged tar cat to an airship emerging from a baby's mouth to a puppet moving at 10 FPS, reminiscent of God of War’s Mimir, there were numerous memorable moments. However, amid the eccentricity characteristic of Hideo Kojima's work, it was the return of Higgs that stole the limelight.

Higgs' prominence in Death Stranding 2 may not be unexpected, given his memorable presence in the first game. From deceiving players into delivering a bomb to embarking on a hilariously bizarre pizza quest line and culminating in a three-stage boss battle that resembled Metal Gear Solid 4’s final encounter, Higgs made significant contributions to the original installment, all enhanced by Troy Baker's performance. However, the upcoming entry presents an opportunity to elevate Higgs further, potentially making him a playable character in On The Beach.

The Rationale Behind Making Higgs Playable in Death Stranding 2

Hideo Kojima's History of Surprise Playable Characters

Devotees of Hideo Kojima's creations are familiar with his penchant for unexpected twists, which extends to the portrayal of his protagonists. For instance, the introduction of Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 2 became legendary as fans, believing they would control the beloved Solid Snake throughout, were met with the revelation that the remainder of the game would feature the new character, Raiden. While divisive, this choice led to several compelling story moments. Similarly, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain had players assuming the role of a random soldier, deceived into believing they were Big Boss, with the truth unveiled in the game’s concluding moments. Despite being controversial, it demonstrates Kojima's readiness to infuse his established franchises with innovation.

Incorporating Higgs into Death Stranding 2

The Death Stranding 2 State of Play trailer not only presented a revamped appearance for Higgs, drawing inspiration from The Crow, Joker, and David Bowie but also showcased the villain deploying a new set of abilities. Instead of utilizing his golden mask to summon large BTs from tar, Higgs now moves akin to a Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid, employing acrobatic maneuvers to slide under adversaries and deliver rapid attacks. He also wields an impressive weapon, a lightning-throwing guitar sword, leaving Death Stranding fans yearning for the chance to control him.

Upon the launch of On The Beach, the prospect of playing as Higgs transcends mere wishful thinking, as there are compelling grounds for this idea to materialize. Judging from his combat style in the latest Death Stranding 2 trailer, his finesse in wielding the guitar distinguishes him significantly from Sam, whose actions primarily involve parcel handling and brawling. Segments where players assume the role of Higgs in combat-intensive scenarios could effectively replace Cliff's battlefield missions from the original game, injecting dynamism into the gameplay and dispelling the notion that Death Stranding is monotonous and repetitive. While Sam could conceivably inherit Higgs' lightning guitar following his defeat, it would likely feel incongruous in his hands, possibly intentionally designed to be cumbersome to better suit Sam. Ultimately, with Higgs' narrative trajectory still unresolved, there appears to be no impediment to his potential as a playable character.