Death Stranding 2: On The Beach Welcomes a Familiar Foe from Kojima's Past

The return of the cyborg ninjas from Hideo Kojima's previous projects is a nod to the director's iconic design signature.
Death Stranding 2: On The Beach Welcomes a Familiar Foe from Kojima's Past


  • Death Stranding 2: On The Beach is set for a 2025 release, continuing the saga of Samuel Porter Bridges.
  • The trailer features the reprisal of familiar characters and voices from the first game, including Léa Seydoux and Troy Baker.
  • New machine designs, such as a robotic ninja, pay homage to the cyborg ninjas from Hideo Kojima's past projects.

During the January 2024 PlayStation State of Play event, fans were treated to a detailed look at Death Stranding 2: On The Beach and its scheduled release in 2025. The trailer, directed by the renowned Hideo Kojima, offered a glimpse into the next phase of Samuel Porter Bridges’ quest to rebuild human connections, promising a continuation of the captivating and enigmatic journey.

The Death Stranding 2 trailer also unveiled the return of familiar voices and characters, with Léa Seydoux and Troy Baker reprising their roles as Fragile and Higgs, respectively. Additionally, key members of the original Death Stranding production team, including Ludvig Forssell, Kyle Cooper, and Yoji Shinkawa, have contributed to the upcoming installment, ensuring a sense of continuity and evolution.

The Legacy of Cyborg Ninjas: A Testament to Kojima and Shinkawa's Artistry

While glimpses of robotic entities reminiscent of Metal Gear Solid made an appearance in the Director's Cut of the first Death Stranding, Death Stranding 2 places a spotlight on these designs. The DHV Magellan, belonging to Fragile, bears visual resemblances to the iconic Metal Gear Rex, and the robotic soldiers in the latest trailer exude a distinct aura akin to those from Zone of the Enders or Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. This design continuity not only reflects Yoji Shinkawa’s signature style but also underscores Hideo Kojima's penchant for incorporating these mechanical entities in his narratives.

The diverse machine designs in Death Stranding 2, including humanoid soldier mechs and a bipedal mech emitting animalistic sounds, evoke memories of various adversaries from the Metal Gear series. However, the introduction of a robotic ninja transcends mere visual similarities. This machine, engaging in a high-octane confrontation with Higgs, not only showcases the latter's evolved combat style but also resurrects the iconic Cyborg Ninja archetype from Metal Gear Solid. With evident design influences from past mechanized ninjas and a potentially similar narrative role, this homage to Kojima's earlier works is intentional and all-encompassing.

Tracing the Evolution of Cyborg Ninjas in Kojima's Universe

While futuristic and high-octane action has been a hallmark of Kojima's oeuvre, the concept of a ninja boss fight was initially proposed by Yoji Shinkawa during the development of Metal Gear Solid 1. This concept was embodied by the character Gray Fox, marking the inception of the Cyborg Ninja legacy. Subsequently, the mantle of the Cyborg Ninja was inherited by characters such as Olga Gurlukovich in Metal Gear Solid 2 and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 4. The SKULLS Parasite unit in Metal Gear Solid 5 and numerous adversaries in Metal Gear Rising further exemplify the enduring presence of the Cyborg Ninja archetype.

The Cyborg Ninja in Death Stranding 2: A Fusion of Familiar Traits and Novel Elements

The mechanical ninja featured in Death Stranding 2 amalgamates characteristics from various Cyborg Ninja designs, incorporating distinctive samurai-inspired elements. The ninja's central eye light and its ability to turn invisible and seemingly teleport pay homage to Gray Fox, while the presence of an infant-like voice potentially alludes to Olga's versatile voice modulation.

The intense battle between the ninja and Higgs, reminiscent of MGS4's iconic duel between Raiden and Vamp, adds an intriguing layer to the narrative of Death Stranding 2: On The Beach. While the allegiances of the mechanical ninja remain shrouded in mystery, its inclusion adds to the growing enigma surrounding the upcoming title.