Why Dead Island 3 Needs Jacob to Take Over as Sam B

Find out why Jacob from Dead Island 2 should step into the shoes of the beloved Dead Island character, Sam B, as the face of the franchise in a potential Dead Island 3.
Why Dead Island 3 Needs Jacob to Take Over as Sam B


  • Dead Island is a popular open-world zombie game series that has sold millions of copies and had a successful sequel.
  • Sam B is a beloved character in the franchise, known for his charismatic and comedic personality.
  • Jacob, a character in Dead Island 2, has the potential to take over as the new face of the franchise and continue Sam B's role.

Dead Island is known for its action-packed zombie-filled gameplay. The original game emerged in 2011, a time when zombie-themed games were all the rage. It quickly gained popularity with its tropical island setting and intense combat, selling 5 million copies in just two years. Its sequel, Dead Island 2, faced numerous delays and developer changes before finally launching in 2023, but was still a massive success, selling 2 million units within the first month.

The character of Sam B has become synonymous with the franchise, initially as a playable protagonist and later as a significant NPC. With the storyline of Dead Island 2, it appears that Jacob, a character in the game, is being set up to carry on Sam's legacy. Therefore, it makes sense for the potential Dead Island 3 to officially appoint him as the torchbearer for the franchise.

Jacob Should Take Over Sam B's Role in Dead Island 3

Sam B's Story in Dead Island

In the original Dead Island, Sam B, a former rapper, found himself in the midst of a zombie outbreak on Banoi island. Known for his humor and courage, Sam became an instant fan favorite. In Dead Island 2, he played a pivotal role in the plot, helping and guiding the player. At the conclusion of the game, Sam's fate is left unresolved, creating anticipation for his future role in the franchise.

The Torch Should Pass From Sam B to Jacob in Dead Island 3

In Dead Island 2, Jacob, despite not being a musician, shares similarities with Sam B in terms of confidence and charm. With the potential for Jacob to develop superhuman abilities, similar to those of Sam, he could seamlessly continue Sam's pivotal role in the series. Although Dead Island 3 is not yet confirmed, it is clear that Jacob is being positioned as a central character. If the game sees Jacob taking on a role similar to Sam's, it would provide continuity for fans while also resolving existing storylines, all the while paving the way for the franchise's future.