Analyzing the Impact of Dead By Daylight's Mysterious New Killer on the Meta

Exploring how The Unknown, a unique addition to Dead by Daylight, stacks up against other killers in terms of gameplay and strategic value.
Analyzing the Impact of Dead By Daylight's Mysterious New Killer on the Meta


  • The Unknown introduces a fresh aesthetic and gameplay style to Dead by Daylight, seamlessly blending into the game's horror theme.
  • With a mix of eerie hallucinations and a challenging projectile ability, The Unknown presents players with strategic gameplay hurdles.
  • Although The Unknown may not revolutionize the Dead by Daylight meta, it offers a reliable mid-tier killer option for those seeking a unique experience.

Dead by Daylight's latest addition to its roster of Killers, The Unknown, stands out as one of the most unsettling characters, gradually carving its niche within the game's meta. While boasting a distinct and eerie appearance, The Unknown faces tough competition from other killers in Dead by Daylight in terms of strength and utility. This enigmatic figure brings a set of tools to the table, some of which are unprecedented, while others bear resemblance to existing killers. The Unknown's arsenal of powers is undeniably bizarre, adding an intriguing twist to the game.

As the central antagonist of Chapter 31 in Dead by Daylight's analog horror universe, The Unknown embodies classic horror tropes. From its eerie visage to the haunting echoes of its hallucinations, this killer could easily fit into any spine-chilling online horror narrative. While some may find its antics more whimsical than terrifying due to the genre clichés it embodies, there's no denying its otherworldly aura. Except for The Dredge, The Unknown stands out as the most mysterious entity lurking in the Fog, with a backstory shrouded in ambiguity. The development team behind Dead by Daylight certainly delved deep into the realm of pure horror with The Unknown.

Delving into The Unknown's Peculiar Abilities

UVX: A Unique Projectile Mechanism

The UVX serves as The Unknown's signature ability in Dead by Daylight, boasting a distinct functionality compared to conventional killer projectiles. This ability features a blast radius, offering a slight margin for error. However, it necessitates a brief charging period and merely inflicts Weakness upon impact, requiring multiple hits to eliminate a survivor. This distinctive mechanic sets it apart from other killer projectiles like the Huntress' instant damage or the Trickster's barrage of knives. While the UVX can be advantageous, its usage can feel cumbersome at times.

The Strategic Mobility of The Unknown's Hallucinations

The Unknown's hallucinations not only instill fear but also provide valuable mobility options. These phantasms, a key component of Dead by Daylight Chapter 31, spontaneously manifest across the map. Apart from disconcerting survivors with their eerie utterances, these illusions also serve as teleportation points for The Unknown. The swift teleportation capability, surpassing that of characters like Sadako and the Dredge, grants The Unknown a potent maneuverability advantage. However, with a limit of four hallucinations that survivors can dispel, this ability introduces a layer of strategic counterplay, potentially setting the stage for devious ambushes.

Strategic Synergies and Enhancements for The Unknown

The Unknown can leverage synergies effectively to enhance its gameplay. Pairing its hallucinations with the Discordance perk, a formidable tool in Dead by Daylight, allows players to pinpoint generator locations for setting up ambushes. Additionally, utilizing add-ons like the Iridescent OSS Report, which imparts a red stain and terror radius to every hallucination, can further bewilder survivors about The Unknown's true position. Noteworthy add-ons include the B-Movie Poster, inducing the Broken status in survivors post-UVX damage, and Captured by the Dark, weakening all survivors at the trial's onset. Crafting a potent Unknown build akin to a horror narrative in action seems to be the key to success.

While The Unknown stands as a formidable killer, it is unlikely to cause a seismic shift in the game's power dynamics. This chilling addition to Dead by Daylight showcases a slightly inefficient UVX mechanic, albeit with its own strengths. The teleportation and hallucination aspects exude potency, especially when combined with complementary add-ons. Nonetheless, the limited hallucination count and the survivors' ability to dispel them present notable drawbacks. Overall, The Unknown emerges as a robust upper mid-tier killer capable of making a significant impact in a Dead by Daylight match.