Discover the Best Free Killers in Dead By Daylight

Unleash the power of these free killers in Dead By Daylight and dominate your trials without spending a penny.
Discover the Best Free Killers in Dead By Daylight


  • Explore the unique abilities of free killers like The Wraith, The Hag, and The Hillbilly.
  • Learn about their perks and powers to strategize and outwit survivors in the game.
  • Master the gameplay of these free killers to become a formidable force in Dead By Daylight.

Since its debut in 2016, Dead by Daylight has maintained its position as a standout in the world of asymmetrical horror gaming. Despite attempts from other titles like VHS, Evil Dead, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, none have managed to dethrone the popularity of Dead by Daylight.

One key factor contributing to its success is the continuous addition of new killers and survivors by BHVR, expanding the roster with both licensed and original characters. While the array of characters can be overwhelming and costly, players can excel by focusing on the free killers, who can be just as formidable as their paid counterparts.

7 Philip Ojimo – The Wraith

Master of Invisibility

Notable Perks:

  • Predator: Alters scratch marks to confuse survivors.
  • Bloodhound: Extends the duration of blood pools' visibility.
  • Shadowborn: Provides a speed boost when blinded.

Special Power: Wailing Bell

The Wraith's cloaking ability offers invisibility and speed but requires uncloaking to attack. Despite being one of the weaker free killers, tactical use of perks like Shadowborn can enhance gameplay.

The Wraith's unique playstyle revolves around strategic cloaking to surprise survivors, making him a challenging yet rewarding killer to master.

6 Lisa Sherwood – The Hag (Console)

Trap Master

Notable Perks:

  • Hex: The Third Seal: Inflicts blindness on attacked survivors.
  • Hex: Ruin: Slows generator repair speed.
  • Hex: Devour Hope: Offers various boosts based on survivor actions.

Special Power: Blackened Catalyst

The Hag's trap teleportation ability grants her exceptional map control and surprise attack opportunities.

With a focus on setting traps and teleporting around the map, the Hag excels at catching survivors off guard and applying pressure to multiple objectives simultaneously.

5 Max Thompson Jr. – The Hillbilly

Chainsaw Expert

Notable Perks:

  • Enduring: Reduces pallet stun duration.
  • Lightborn: Grants immunity to flashlight blinds.
  • Tinkerer: Enhances stealth and generator awareness.

Special Power: The Chainsaw

The Hillbilly's chainsaw sprint can instantly down survivors, offering a unique playstyle centered around fast-paced pursuits.

With the ability to cover large distances quickly and deliver devastating chainsaw hits, the Hillbilly is a force to be reckoned with in the trials, requiring skill and precision to master effectively.