Mastering The Unknown in Dead by Daylight

Unleash the full potential of The Unknown in Dead by Daylight with these top-notch perks and add-ons.
Mastering The Unknown in Dead by Daylight


  • Learn how to maximize The Unknown's abilities with powerful perks and add-ons.
  • Discover the best non-teachable build and the top build for The Unknown in 2024.
  • Explore the most effective add-ons to enhance The Unknown's gameplay experience.

The All Things Wicked Chapter for Dead by Daylight introduces The Unknown, an urban legend Killer who thrives on instilling fear in Survivors. Equipped with the deadly Ultra Venom X power, The Unknown can weaken and injure Survivors with explosive energy orbs, making them a formidable force in the fog.

Mastering The Unknown requires strategic map awareness and precise execution. To aid players in sharpening their skills with this challenging Killer, a selection of perks and add-ons can be utilized in Dead by Daylight. These builds encompass both universal Killer perks and exclusive options from the All Things Wicked DLC.

The Unknown: Optimal Non-Teachable Build (2024)

Designed for players without access to other DLC Killers in Dead by Daylight, this build emphasizes hindering Survivor healing and enhancing stealth tactics. Sloppy Butcher slows down healing processes, while generator kicking reduces Terror Radius for sneak attacks. Bitter Murmur and Hex: No One Escapes Death complement each other by revealing Survivor auras and applying Exposed status in the endgame.

  • Unforeseen (The Unknown): Transfer your Terror Radius to a damaged generator for 30 seconds, remaining Undetectable. This ability has a 30-second cooldown.
  • Sloppy Butcher (General Perk): Inflict Mangled and Hemorrhage effects on basic attacks, impeding healing by 25% and regressing recovery progress.
  • Bitter Murmur (General Perk): Expose Survivor auras within 16 meters of completed generators for 5 seconds. Reveals all auras for 10 seconds after the final generator is powered.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk): Afflict Survivors with Exposed status after all generators are completed. Gain a 4% Haste effect until the Hex Totem is cleansed.

The Unknown: Superior Build (2024)

Considered the pinnacle of Killer perks for The Unknown, this build features Discordance, Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. Discordance aids in tracking active generators, while the other perks impede generator progress effectively.

  • Corrupt Intervention (The Plague): Block the 3 farthest generators for 120 seconds or until a Survivor is downed at the trial's outset.
  • Discordance (The Legion): Highlight generators worked on by multiple Survivors within 128 meters.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown): Remove 30% progress from a damaged generator for 45 seconds after hooking a Survivor.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist): Detonate the most progressed generator after hooking different Survivors on a white Scourge Hook, reducing its progress by 25%.

The Unknown: Top Add-Ons

Blurry Photo

Enhancing The Unknown's mobility, the Blurry Photo Add-On accelerates movement speed recovery by 50% post-teleportation, aiding in Survivor pursuits.

Victims Map

Although a modest Add-On, the Victims Map provides Survivor aura reading upon cleansing weakened effects, facilitating predictive gameplay at looping areas.

Vanishing Box

Empowering The Unknown, this Add-On exposes Survivors repairing generators to potential injury from the UVX power, increasing their vulnerability.

Front Page Article

Facilitating map control, the Front Page Article hastens Hallucination spawn post-pallet or wall breakage by reducing spawn time by 50%.

Footprint Cast

Similar to the Front Page Article, this Add-On decreases Hallucination spawn time by 15 seconds upon UVX-induced Survivor Weakening, aiding in map control.

B-Movie Poster

Inflicting the Broken status for 30 seconds on Survivors hit by UVX, the B-Movie Poster hinders quick healing recoveries, adding pressure on Survivors.

Obscure Game Cartridge

With rapid break action speed boost of 30% for 20 seconds post-teleportation, the Obscure Game Cartridge aids The Unknown in resource depletion, increasing their control.

Captured by the Dark

Starting all Survivors in a Weakened state at the trial's beginning, the Captured by the Dark Add-On intensifies early game pressure while limiting Hallucination numbers for The Unknown.