Unleashing Power: Top Weapons for Strength Builds in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover powerful weapons available early on in Dragon's Dogma 2 to enhance your strength-based character.
Unleashing Power: Top Weapons for Strength Builds in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Choose your weapons wisely to maximize damage output based on your Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Strength is crucial for physical damage-focused Vocations like Fighter, Thief, Warrior, and Archer.
  • Early access to top-tier weapons like Silver Rapier and Repeller Bow can significantly boost your gameplay.

Understanding stats in Dragon's Dogma 2 can be perplexing for players accustomed to traditional RPG stat systems. In DD2, your Vocation dictates your stat growth, with minor bonuses tied to your current Vocation.

Strength is a vital stat for Vocations specializing in physical damage, such as Fighter, Thief, Warrior, Archer, and Mystic Spearhand. Let's explore some of the best early-game weapons in Dragon's Dogma 2 that can amplify the damage output of high-strength characters.

7 Silver Rapier

Fighter Weapon

The Silver Rapier, found atop the Pawn Guild in Vernworth, is a solid early-game pure Strength option for Fighters. While not the most potent sword, it outshines other early-game choices in Vernworth.

6 Labyrinthus

Fighter Weapon

Labyrinthus, a coveted mace for Fighters, can be obtained early by defeating Minotaurs or later by tackling the Sealed Mine Shaft Minotaur.

5 Helmbarte Daggers

Thief Weapon

Helmbarte Daggers, available at Celeste's Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town, offer a superior option for Thieves seeking early-game weaponry.

4 Repeller Bow

Archer Weapon

The Repeller Bow, earned by completing the Gift of the Bow quest, stands out as a free and formidable weapon choice for Archers.

3 Black Matter

Warrior Weapon

The Black Matter Hammer, found in the Ancient Battleground, is a remarkable early-game strike weapon ideal for Warriors dealing with armored foes.

2 Flamberge

Warrior Weapon

The Flamberge, purchasable at Celeste's Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town, offers a potent early-game option for Warriors seeking a slashing weapon.

1 Wings Asunder

Mystic Spearhand Weapon

The Wings Asunder spear, available at Sacred Arbor, serves as a potent choice for Mystic Spearhands, offering a balance of physical and elemental damage.