Unveiling the Most Terrifying Evil Supermen in DC Comics

Exploring the darkest versions of Superman and their chilling impact on the DC Multiverse
Unveiling the Most Terrifying Evil Supermen in DC Comics


  • Discover how evil Supermen bring a new level of horror to DC Comics, revealing the darkness within the iconic hero.
  • Explore twisted iterations of Superman, such as clones and infected versions, underscoring the peril of power devoid of morality.
  • From Ultraman to Superboy-Prime, witness how evil Supermen challenge heroes and showcase their darker sides in the DC Multiverse.

Within the realm of DC Comics, Superman has symbolized hope, truth, and justice like no other superhero. However, when the embodiment of these ideals takes a malevolent turn, it strikes fear into the hearts of both his allies and fans alike.

Despite often being thwarted by Batman or his heroic self, the horrors unleashed by evil versions of Superman across different universes cannot be overlooked. For enthusiasts eager to delve into the world of malevolent Supermen, the question remains - which of these dark incarnations is the most menacing?

10 An Alternate New Earth Superman

An Alternate Timeline Where Superman Was Raised By Evil

One of the most chilling depictions of Superman emerges from a timeline where he was nurtured to embrace malevolence. In the storyline 'Absolute Power' within Batman/Superman, the Legion of Super-Villains from the 31st Century reshaped young versions of New Earth Superman and Batman, grooming them as ruthless dictators who ruled with an iron fist, showing no mercy. This twisted upbringing led to the demise of their allies, including Wonder Woman, at Superman's hands.

Even after history is restored, the memories of their heinous acts haunt Superman and Batman. What sets this iteration apart is that it is not an alternate universe Superman but the primary Superman of that era, adding a layer of darkness to the iconic hero.

9 Superman/Doomsday

Superman Infected With Doomsday's Powers

When Doomsday emerges in a Superman narrative, it usually forebodes Superman's demise or irreversible harm. In the 'Superman: Doomed' arc, a unique twist occurs when Superman, after defeating Doomsday, inadvertently inhales the lethal toxins comprising Doomsday's essence. This exposure gradually mutates the Man of Steel into a monstrous, psychopathic entity resembling Doomsday.

During Brainiac's scheme to assimilate all life on Earth, Superman is compelled to embrace Doomsday's savagery to amass the power required to thwart the 12th-level Intellect. While Superman ultimately triumphs and reverts to his former self, it necessitates a mental battle against Brainiac and the suppression of Doomsday's influence, aided by his allies within his consciousness.

8 Black Lantern Kal-L

The Original Man Of Steel As A Servant Of Death In Blackest Night

During the tumultuous events of 'Blackest Night,' Nekron of the Black Lantern Corps resurrects fallen heroes and villains using Black Lantern Power Rings to propagate death. Among the revived is Kal-L, the Superman of Earth-Two, corrupted by the Black Lantern Power Ring to engage in combat against New Earth Superman and Conner Kent.

As Black Lantern Kal-L poses a significant threat under the ring's influence, other members of the Super-Family are forced to intervene. Confronted by his counterparts, Kal-L is subdued only after incapacitating Black Lantern Psycho-Pirate and utilizing a new weapon devised by Doctor Fate and Mister Terrific, leading to his ultimate destruction.

7 Brutaal

A Fragile Superman Clone With All His Strengths

Engineered as a clone of Kal-El by Darkseid, the loyal disciple known as Brutaal executes his master's commands ruthlessly, exemplifying unwavering allegiance. Brutaal's unwavering loyalty is demonstrated when he eliminates Steppenwolf upon learning of his betrayal against Darkseid's cause.

Although Brutaal's tenure is brief, his formidable strength necessitates the combined efforts of numerous Justice League members and allies to counter. Only upon the revelation of physical vulnerabilities by Val-Zod is Brutaal vanquished. Had this weakness not been exposed, Brutaal's might could have spelled defeat for the League, securing Darkseid's dominance over Earth.

6 The Last Sun

Corrupted Into Becoming A Living Star

Under the influence of the malevolent Batman Who Laughs, a nightmarish version of Superman known as the Last Sun is crafted within the Last 52 Multiverse. Originating from Kal-El's familiar narrative, this incarnation undergoes corruption early on as he traverses a path saturated with solar radiation, transforming him into a stellar entity bent on annihilation.

Endowed with Superman's abilities alongside energy manipulation and absorption, the Last Sun emerges as an unparalleled threat. Even the original Superman falls short against this dark rendition, succumbing only to a colossal black hole engineered by Lex Luthor. This encounter underscores the sheer destructive potential wielded by the Last Sun.

5 Anti-Living Superman

A Zombie Superman With All Of His Powers, Unbridled Hunger & Rage

Within the 'DCeased' storyline, emerges Anti-Living Superman, a ghastly manifestation of Clark Kent infected by a techno-organic virus unleashed via the Anti-Life Equation. Devoid of morality and driven solely by a compulsion to propagate Anti-Life through various means, Anti-Living Superman wields Superman's powers unchecked.

Despite encountering formidable adversaries, Anti-Living Superman remains undefeated, culminating in a climactic confrontation where he absorbs the sun itself to defy the Green Lanterns. The unparalleled threat posed by Anti-Living Superman necessitates extreme measures, leading to a chilling resolution as life in the Solar System teeters on the brink of extinction.

4 Ultraman

Leader Of The Crime Syndicate

Originating from a dysfunctional upbringing akin to Kal-El, Ultraman ascends as the malevolent leader of the Crime Syndicate, dominating the world through sheer brutality. Possessing Superman's abilities, Ultraman's unbridled aggression enables him to neutralize threats proactively, albeit with a vulnerability to sunlight in some iterations.

Despite apparent demise in various encounters, Ultraman's recurring resurrections underscore his integral role in the Multiverse, suggesting a vital balance between his existence and the Prime Earth. Should he be revived, Ultraman's capacity to harness Superman's powers poses a formidable challenge across dimensions, threatening the stability of the Multiverse.

3 Injustice Superman

The High Councilor Of The Regime

Triggered by a tragic sequence of events orchestrated by the Joker, Injustice Superman forsakes mercy following the loss of his loved ones and the devastation of Metropolis. Establishing the Regime, Injustice Superman adopts a ruthless approach to justice, resorting to extreme measures, including murder, to enforce order.

Within this alternate reality, Superman's dominance extends beyond planetary confines, transcending universes as he forges the Legion of Superheroes, propelled by Brainiac's mind-control technology. This expansion of power underscores Injustice Superman's morally skewed crusade, illustrating the depths of his conviction in reshaping the cosmic order.

2 Superdoom, The Last Knight Of Tomorrow

An Evil Superman Powered By Thought Itself

In Earth-45, a technological marvel designed to generate a 'thought-powered redeemer' results in the creation of the menacing entity known as Superdoom. Sparked by a chain of events that escalate due to corporate greed and manipulation, Superdoom embarks on a malevolent mission to eradicate all rival Supermen across the Multiverse.

Although recent alliances suggest a shift towards order, Superdoom's propensity for destruction remains a looming threat. Empowered by the belief of his followers, Superdoom's insatiable appetite for power renders him a formidable adversary, capable of eliminating Supermen effortlessly. Despite vulnerabilities to Kryptonite, his manipulation of collective consciousness poses a unique challenge superseding mere physical limitations.

1 Superboy-Prime

Possibly The Multiverse's Greatest Threat

Within the pantheon of malevolent Supermen, Superboy-Prime stands out as a pivotal figure within the DC Multiverse. Originating as Clark Kent from Earth-Prime, a chance encounter with Earth-One's Superman catalyzes his latent abilities, rendering him impervious to conventional Kryptonite, save for a unique variant crafted by Element Lad.

Gradually consumed by instability amidst cosmic upheavals, Superboy-Prime evolves into one of the Multiverse's most formidable threats, capable of withstanding formidable adversaries and reshaping realities. Even in the face of coordinated efforts by revered heroes, including the Flash and Green Lanterns, containing Superboy-Prime's power remains a daunting task, underscoring his status as a harbinger of chaos and uncertainty within the Multiverse.