7 Female DC Characters Ready for Their Own Video Games

While male characters have dominated the video game realm in the DC Universe, it's time for the spotlight to shine on these deserving female heroes.
7 Female DC Characters Ready for Their Own Video Games


  • Wonder Woman's game is in the works, but other heroines like Harley Quinn and Talia Al Ghul are waiting to take center stage.
  • Characters such as Lady Blackhawk and Jessica Cruz offer unique powers and storylines perfect for immersive gameplay experiences.
  • From espionage adventures to stealth-based missions, the diverse skill sets of these heroines promise exciting gaming potential.

DC's video game world has seen its share of male heroes, but it's high time for the female characters to step into the limelight. While Wonder Woman's game is on the horizon, a slew of other heroines are eagerly waiting for their turn to shine.

Here are seven remarkable female characters from the DC Universe who are primed for their own video game adaptations:

7 Element Girl/Element Woman

Embracing the Power of Nature

  • Abilities: Shape-shifting using natural elements like stone or wood.

Enter a world of espionage and intrigue with Element Girl, a spy with the uncanny ability to transform her body using elements from nature. Meanwhile, Element Woman, with similar powers, offers a unique superhero experience that could be a game-changer in the gaming realm.

6 Jessica Cruz Green Lantern

Harnessing Willpower for Creation

  • Skills: Ability to create matter through sheer willpower.

Step into the world of Jessica Cruz, a Green Lantern with the power to materialize objects from pure will. Imagine an action-packed game where Jessica crafts weapons and tools on the fly to combat foes, offering a fresh take on superhero gaming.

5 Harley Quinn

An Ode to Chaos and Satire

  • Abilities: Wielding chaos as a weapon and embracing insanity.

Dive into the whimsical world of Harley Quinn, a character known for her chaotic yet endearing nature. With a game inspired by her satirical essence, players can expect a wild and humorous brawler that captures the essence of this iconic anti-heroine.
