Exciting Addition to Darkest Dungeon 2: Kingdoms Mode Update

A new gameplay mode is on the horizon for Darkest Dungeon 2, promising a nostalgic return to beloved features from the original game.
Exciting Addition to Darkest Dungeon 2: Kingdoms Mode Update


  • Darkest Dungeon 2 introduces Kingdoms mode, providing players with a fresh gaming experience centered around safeguarding a kingdom.
  • Gameplay enhancements in combat and traversal bring back familiar mechanics like roster management and permanence in the Kingdoms mode.
  • Anticipation grows among fans for the upcoming update, with expectations of improved graphics and enriched gameplay depth.

Darkest Dungeon 2 is set to unveil an innovative Kingdoms mode. This turn-based roguelike game made its debut in early access in 2021 and is scheduled for a full release in 2023. Critics lauded Darkest Dungeon 2 for its challenging yet rewarding gameplay loop infused with strategic elements. The game's distinctive visuals, merging 3D and 2D art, create a dark, gothic, and fantastical atmosphere that captivates players.

Darkest Dungeon 2 diverges from its predecessor's gameplay style, introducing fresh dynamics to base management and character rosters, distinguishing both games uniquely. The original Darkest Dungeon is experiencing a resurgence on Steam, marking its eighth anniversary with continued popularity among gamers.

The upcoming Kingdoms mode in Darkest Dungeon 2 promises an immersive experience focused on defending a kingdom and battling invasions. Scheduled for a free release in late 2024, this mode will blend elements from the first Darkest Dungeon and its sequel, offering a nostalgic yet revitalized gaming encounter.

Reviews highlight the tweaks in combat and traversal in Darkest Dungeon 2 that alter the gameplay flow. Kingdoms mode reintroduces permanence and roster management, potentially satisfying fans' cravings from the original game. As players continue to assemble formidable parties in the classic Darkest Dungeon, the sequel's modifications may entice them to explore the new installment. Creative director Chris Bourassa is eager to reveal more details about the update to the community.

Players will have the opportunity to enhance their heroes using gathered resources to confront familiar adversaries like the Coven, Beastmen, and Crimson Courtiers. Enthusiasm abounds for the new mode, with promising enhancements anticipated for the console versions of Darkest Dungeon 2. While the inclusion of Kingdoms mode in the console releases remains undisclosed, past indie roguelike games such as Enter the Gungeon have incorporated additional content in their console versions.

Updates on Darkest Dungeon 2 Await

Gaming enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the forthcoming changes in Darkest Dungeon 2, including potential artistic upgrades. Renowned for its exceptional graphics among roguelike titles, players are keen to witness the visual transformations in the update. Furthermore, Kingdoms mode represents a complete gameplay mode rather than a mere modifier, hinting at substantial depth akin to the base game in this upcoming update.