Exploring the Darkest Side Quests in Dark Souls Games

Discover the morbid and tragic side quests scattered throughout the Dark Souls series, each delving into dark and depressing narratives.
Exploring the Darkest Side Quests in Dark Souls Games


  • Dark Souls quests unfold with themes of tragedy, betrayal, and heartbreak, revealing the grim fates of characters like Knight Lautrec.
  • Encountering Amnesiac Lapp in Dark Souls 3 exposes a poignant story of lost identity, leading to unexpected hostility and treachery.
  • From serial killers to cursed warriors, Dark Souls side quests offer a dark and disturbing journey filled with loss, betrayal, and sorrow.

The Dark Souls games present a challenging and sorrowful journey, where despair looms like a shadow. Across the Dark Souls trilogy, players encounter a variety of characters, some friendly, others not so much. Yet, amidst them all, a common thread of tragedy runs deep, allowing players to unearth truly grim side quests in Dark Souls, regardless of the game they're exploring.

Within the realm of Dark Souls, going hollow signifies a profound tragedy, with each character contributing to the intricate tapestry of sorrow that defines the world. These quests are rife with heartbreak, deceit, and other dark motifs that make revisiting these individuals a daunting task, especially after uncovering their dreadful destinies, often at the hands of the players themselves.

6 The Enigmatic Knight Lautrec

Location: Found Imprisoned in Undead Parish

Choosing to release Lautrec in Dark Souls might prove to be ill-advised, as his motives are far from noble. His peculiar behavior around the Fire Keeper in Firelink Shrine raises suspicions, which are confirmed when the Fire Keeper is found murdered, with Lautrec absconding. It is later revealed that he killed her to reclaim her soul.

Lautrec's devotion to the goddess Fina led him to commit this heinous act, forsaking everything but his twisted love for her. His descent into madness and fixation on his dark mission culminated in the murder of the Fire Keeper, illustrating how mistrust can warp reality itself.

5 The Tragic Amnesiac Lapp

Location: Encountered in The Dreg Heap

Witnessing a loss of identity through shattered memories is a harrowing experience, made evident by the discovery of Amnesiac Lapp in Dark Souls 3. Initially appearing familiar, Lapp's transformation into his former self, Patches, unveils a tragic metamorphosis, as he resorts to hostility, ensnaring players in treacherous schemes.

Despite Lapp's desire to reclaim his past, the revelation of his true identity leads to a darker turn, where a once trusted ally becomes a malevolent force, pushing players towards a grim fate. Lapp's journey epitomizes the somber consequences of rediscovering one's lost self.

4 The Enigmatic Royal Sorcerer Navlaan

Location: Confined in Aldia’s Keep

Within Aldia’s Keep, ominous warnings caution players against freeing the imprisoned Royal Sorcerer Navlaan. Should they release him, Navlaan embarks on a spree of invasions, targeting players with lethal intent. Alternatively, in his incarcerated state, Navlaan solicits players to execute a series of murders, including prominent Dark Souls 2 NPCs.

Navlaan's fractured psyche manifests in his split personalities, offering items to players when sane, yet demanding grisly deeds when hollow. The unsettling presence of a serial killer within the game, issuing sinister commands from his dark cell, adds a chilling layer to the already foreboding atmosphere.

3 The Tragic Tale of Lucatiel Of Mirrah

Location: Encountered in No-Man’s Wharf

  • Game: Dark Souls 2

Darkness shrouds the world of Dark Souls 2 like a pervasive fog, offering a unique narrative experience. Amidst the controversies surrounding the game's release, Dark Souls 2 harbors a dedicated following, drawn to its captivating side quests, including the poignant story of Lucatiel of Mirrah, a warrior battling both external threats and inner turmoil.

As an undead warrior, Lucatiel embarks on a perilous quest to defy the curse consuming her humanity, forming a bond with players along the way. However, her eventual descent into madness and loss of self paints a poignant picture of the toll exacted by the world's relentless darkness, urging players to preserve her legacy before her tragic demise.

2 The Melancholic Solaire Of Astora

Location: Found Gazing at the Sun after the Taurus Demon in Undead Burg

  • Game: Dark Souls

Solaire, the iconic beacon of optimism in the Dark Souls universe, espouses the virtues of camaraderie and the radiant allure of the sun. However, beneath his cheerful facade lies one of the series' most poignant and tragic quests, underscoring the pervasive melancholy that permeates this dark world.

As Solaire traverses a parallel journey alongside players, beset by setbacks and a relentless pursuit of his elusive goal, his gradual descent into despair culminates in a harrowing encounter where he succumbs to the Sunlight Maggot's influence, spiraling into madness. The tragic fate that befalls this once-jovial companion serves as a stark reminder of the world's unforgiving nature.

1 The Harrowing Usurpation Of Fire

Location: Initiated by Conversing with Yoel of Londor, Near the Foot of the High Wall

  • Game: Dark Souls 3

Amongst the myriad dark narratives in Dark Souls, the tale of Yoel of Londor stands as a testament to sacrifice and manipulation, weaving a web of deceit and tragedy. Yoel's enigmatic return to Firelink Shrine heralds a path of self-discovery and hollowing, steering players towards a destiny entwined with stolen flames and the mantle of lordship over hollows.

As the saga unfurls and the Abyss Watchers meet their end, Yuria of Londor assumes control, guiding players through a harrowing odyssey that culminates in a macabre ritual involving Anri, a forlorn figure manipulated into a tragic demise. The solemn act of plunging a blade into Anri's skull epitomizes the somber depths of this quest, offering players a chance to shape a new era as a harbinger of darkness.