Defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn in Dark Souls 3: A Unique Test of Skill

Exploring the formidable challenge posed by Pontiff Sulyvahn in Dark Souls 3 compared to the iconic Ornstein and Smough from DS1.
Defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn in Dark Souls 3: A Unique Test of Skill


  • Pontiff Sulyvahn presents a formidable mid-game obstacle, testing players with a diverse set of overwhelming moves and attacks.
  • Players must adapt to the boss's varied moveset incorporating melee, magic, and fire assaults, requiring strategic gameplay and vulnerability management.
  • Successfully overcoming Pontiff Sulyvahn demands a blend of patience and precise parrying skills to counter his shadow clone and execute ripostes effectively.

When it comes to Dark Souls 3 and its challenging bosses, each encounter presents a unique hurdle for players to conquer. While most battles require multiple attempts, certain fights like Pontiff Sulyvahn stand out as pivotal moments that can make or break a player's progression.

In the realm of Dark Souls 3, Pontiff Sulyvahn emerges as a defining mid-game adversary, surpassing even the legendary Ornstein and Smough from the original game. His demanding combat style and strategic complexity set him apart as a true test of skill for players venturing through the dark and treacherous world.

Unraveling Pontiff Sulyvahn's Challenge

Mastering the Multifaceted Moveset

What makes Pontiff Sulyvahn a formidable foe isn't just his raw power or relentless assault but the sheer variety in his combat repertoire. Armed with twin swords, he unleashes relentless combos that can catch even the most agile players off guard. Moreover, his ability to switch between melee strikes and ranged magical attacks keeps players constantly on edge, forcing them to adapt their defenses on the fly.

Adding to the challenge is Pontiff Sulyvahn's capability to deal multiple types of damage, making traditional defense strategies less effective. Players must remain vigilant as the boss can seamlessly transition between different attack forms, exploiting any weaknesses in their defenses and keeping the pressure high throughout the battle.

The Dynamic Second Phase Twist

Unlike the simultaneous onslaught of Ornstein and Smough, Pontiff Sulyvahn introduces a unique twist in his second phase by summoning a shadow doppelganger to fight alongside him. This shift in dynamics alters the pace of the battle, requiring players to contend with coordinated attacks from both entities. While challenging, this phase offers a strategic opportunity for players to observe patterns and exploit openings for a decisive advantage.

Crucial Strategies: Patience and Precision

To overcome the daunting challenge of Pontiff Sulyvahn, players must exercise patience and master the art of parrying. By carefully observing the shadow clone's actions, players can anticipate the boss's moves and capitalize on openings. Additionally, honing their parrying skills allows players to create opportunities for critical ripostes, gradually tipping the scales in their favor and ultimately securing victory against this formidable adversary.