Unveiling the Most Perilous Factions & Groups in The Elder Scrolls Universe

Exploring the treacherous landscapes of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls series and the havoc caused by these nefarious factions.
Unveiling the Most Perilous Factions & Groups in The Elder Scrolls Universe


  • Discover the malevolent deeds of The Elder Scrolls factions, from the Order of the New Moon to the Telvanni.
  • Uncover the chaos wrought by evil entities like the Sload and the Daedric Princes throughout Tamriel's history.
  • Learn about the dark past of groups such as the Alessian Order and the Ayleids, once liberators turned oppressors.

The Elder Scrolls universe, crafted by Bethesda, boasts a myriad of factions and organizations, each with its own complex history and impact on the realm. This rich lore is a cornerstone of the franchise, drawing players and enthusiasts into a vibrant fantasy realm.

Amidst the backdrop of magic and millennia of history, certain factions stand out for the harm they've inflicted in the world of The Elder Scrolls. Let's delve into the most dangerous factions that have left a trail of destruction across Tamriel.

1 Kalgrontiid And The Order Of The New Moon

Devastation in Elsweyr

Kalgrontiid, an ambitious Dragon, sought to rise above his station and challenge Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. Leading the Order of the New Moon, Kalgrontiid ravaged Elsweyr until his defeat by the hero Khunzar-ri, causing widespread destruction and casualties.

2 The Alessian Order/Maruhkati Selectives

From Liberation to Oppression

Originating from a slave rebellion against the Ayleids, the Alessian Order transformed from liberators to oppressors. The Maruhkati Selectives, a faction within the Order, even attempted to strip elven qualities from Akatosh, risking dire consequences for Tamriel.

3 The Telvanni

Ethical Void of Mad Scientists

Hailing from Dunmer society, the Telvanni House comprises unethical wizard scientists who prioritize personal gain over morality. Engaging in slavery and deceitful practices, the Telvanni's ruthless experiments have left a trail of suffering in Morrowind and beyond.