Cyberpunk 2077 Player Uncovers Hidden Game Feature After 400+ Hours

An experienced Cyberpunk 2077 player rediscovers a forgotten game mechanic after extensive gameplay time.
Cyberpunk 2077 Player Uncovers Hidden Game Feature After 400+ Hours


  • Discover the hidden NCPD holocalls feature in Cyberpunk 2077 for unique side quests.
  • Enable NCPD holocalls in-game by adjusting a specific gameplay setting.
  • Patch 1.5 introduced the holocall toggle in early 2022, addressing player complaints about incessant calls.

Following over 400 hours of gameplay, a seasoned Cyberpunk 2077 enthusiast stumbled upon a surprising game element. They found out that the NCPD could reach out to V through holocalls, a feature many players seemed to have forgotten about. This discovery sparked a buzz on social platforms, indicating a widespread unawareness among Cyberpunk 2077 players despite extensive playtime.

NCPD Scanner Hustles constitute a significant portion of Cyberpunk 2077's additional content. Typically, players encounter these missions through text messages from police dispatchers when near a relevant location.

However, recent revelations by Reddit user AlarmedAlpaca99 shed light on an alternate method of initiating Scanner Hustles. AlarmedAlpaca99 disclosed that NCPD dispatchers could also make holocalls to V, a feature they uncovered only after investing countless hours in the game. By default, the game rejects these calls unless players manually enable them in the settings.

Enabling NCPD Holocalls in Cyberpunk 2077

  • Access the Settings menu, then proceed to Gameplay and locate the Holocalls section.
  • Activate the NCPD option, which is initially muted, on the subsequent screen.

Cyberpunk 2077's Default Holocall Settings Adjustment

Players can now unmute NCPD holocalls and manage fixer calls, which are enabled by default. This setting modification was introduced in Cyberpunk 2077's 1.5 patch in February 2022. Prior to this update, all NCPD Scanner Hustles were initiated solely through holocalls, leading to constant interruptions due to the high number of side missions available in the base game.

Player feedback prompted CD Projekt Red to implement the holocall toggle, ensuring a more streamlined gameplay experience. This feature is now present in all game versions, including those for legacy consoles discontinued after the 1.6 update. Consequently, players joining Cyberpunk 2077 post-2022 might be pleasantly surprised by the existence of NCPD holocalls.

AlarmedAlpaca99, despite recalling the annoyance of these calls from the game's launch, admitted forgetting about this feature's existence. Their social media post about the rediscovery resonated with many players who were previously unaware of this gameplay option.