Mastering the Broom: A Guide to Leveling Up in Cult of The Lamb

Discover effective strategies for quickly leveling up your Broom in Cult of The Lamb.
Mastering the Broom: A Guide to Leveling Up in Cult of The Lamb


  • Experience the world of Cult of The Lamb, where managing cleanliness is crucial for cult members' well-being.
  • Learn how to efficiently level up your Broom and unlock new skins in the game.
  • Discover unconventional but effective tips to expedite the Broom leveling process.

Embark on a journey through the captivating world of Cult of The Lamb, where tending to the cleanliness of your cult followers is as essential as engaging in thrilling crusades and rituals. The humble Broom plays a vital role in maintaining hygiene, especially following the release of the Sins of The Flesh update.

While traditionally, players could gradually level up their Broom in Cult of The Lamb, there are several unconventional strategies to expedite this process.

Elevating Your Broom's Level

To enhance your Broom's level in Cult of The Lamb, simply focus on cleaning up various types of waste, including vomit, poop, burnt food, and clogged toilets. Emphasizing poop collection, especially its diverse variants such as Glow Poop, Devotion Poop, Gold Poop, Massive Poop, or Rainbow Poop, not only rewards players with experience points but also provides fertilizers with unique effects for the cult's farm.

While collecting waste products is a fundamental aspect of leveling up the Broom, there are numerous ways to expedite this process and maintain a pristine cult environment.

Efficient Strategies for Broom Leveling

  • Avoid constructing toilets or cleaning existing ones. Instead, allow followers to defecate throughout the cult's territory, providing ample opportunities for experience gain through waste management.
  • Excessive waste in the cult's vicinity can induce vomiting among the followers, presenting an opportunity to earn additional experience by cleaning up the vomit.
  • Strategically feed your followers with low-quality food and cocktails that have a high likelihood of causing vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Refrain from handling deceased followers, as their corpses, if left unattended, can evoke disgust among cultists, leading to more opportunities for experience accumulation through waste management.

Implementing these unconventional methods will significantly expedite the Broom leveling process, potentially unlocking a new Maid Costume. However, it is imperative to maintain a balance between cleanliness and unsanitary conditions to prevent illness and fatalities among cult members. Adequately stock up on herbs for treating the cultists to ensure their well-being.